Alright. I'm bored of being in the background. Let's do this. So my Persona, Rene, is a fox hybrid. She's been experimented on by human scientists and was used to try and take over the human population. When Rene came to realize her father had set up the project, she ran away, escaping with minimal wounds. Rene travels, looking for the rest of her family. The way she travels, it's almost as if she were a nomad. If you were to meet her in one of her camping grounds... or in your own back yard, you would be considered lucky. Rene is a dirty blonde with sea green eyes. She wears a black jumpsuit, which are similar to the suit styles of Valve's Portal Series. Rene carries a gun with her at all times and keeps a watchful eye out for the scientists, in fear that one day, they'll be back for her. I'll begin now :3, Rene bounded through the forest in fear and hopped the fence of someone's house, hiding in the tree as she watched a man in a clean white uniform shoot his gun randomly. He kept running, more people following him. Rene sighed and clung to the tree of the person's backyard, feeling safe, for once.