Well it would seem that after a few months have passed it is now time for me to once again put out my interests to the Guild to hopefully find another partner. Although I must let you all know that I have very little room and im only looking for 1-2 partners at this time, you might e able to persuade me otherwise but right now its first come first serve. Now alittle about me Im am in no way a stickler for grammer, as long as i understand what your trying to say im happy I also post at least Casual to High Casual, so at least 3-4 paragraphs please, but i do know that sometimes only a few lines suffice, all i ask is try. I am an adult and i like adult themed RP's, this of course means language, violence, sex, ect. (which of course means i only post through PM) if you have a problem with anything like that then just talk to me about it otherwise im gonna go ahead and think its okay (Oh and please be at least 18 or over) As I said I have no limit and enjoy new things, so if theres anything you like feel free to put it out there, and if theres things that you dont like of 'triggers' that bother you please let me know hose to, I cant tell you how bad I feel when i step on a sore subject from not knowing...and I do alot XP Other than that im not picky or hard to get along with, all I ask is for you to at post at least once a day (less you give me a schedule, I know how life can be) and that if you are going to drop out to please let me know, it wont hurt my feelings, im a big boy XD Thats really it that I can think of, im very much a people person and make friends easy so lets get down to my interests. RP pairings (* working plot) Werewolf x Human * Werewolf x Werewolf Vampire x Human * Werewolf/Vampire x Hunter Anthro x Anthro * Anthro x Human * Slave x Slave * Master x Slave * Alien x Human * Wizard x Witch Neko x Neko Neko x Human* Demon x Human* Heres some things ill always go for: Pokemon* Digimon Bleach Kekkaishi* Hero Acadamia Mob Psych 100 There are of course more but i think this is good for now XD, All of which can be mix n' match and still work for me and if any of you have any plots that work with my pairings I would love to hear them. Other than that i cant wait to hear from ya'll so PM me your interests and im sure we'll have some fun