The second marine was what really surprised Octavius. Thankfully that one was kind enough to go after Ceres. Unfortunately, Ceres was not kind enough to expire. The captain chuckled when the woman screamed about not fucking with her, and he shook his head. "No, please do fuck with her. Kill her so I don't have to worry about getting her a ship." he encouraged in a mumble, disappointed that no more enemies appeared to ruin his new friend. Unopposed, the group headed for the docks. There were more than a few ships just hanging out on the waterfront, waiting for crews or supplies, or what not. But of course, the one that the woman wanted was the one with people on it. At least it was being loaded up. That was nice. But it was too big. They had half a dozen sailors with them. He sighed and shook his head at the woman. "If anything untoward happens because of you, I'll make sure you drown." he whispered to his companion before leading the way toward the ship. He didn't have time to go get another ship and try to escape. The marines were all over the place as it was, and clearly Ceres was not about to put up with waiting. "Who wants to be a pirate?" he asked casually, racking the slide on his scattergun as he approached the ship that his creditor demanded. About another half dozen sailors quickly joined his crew. The rest were smart enough to leave before anything got messy. "Keep loading then." he suggested, waving the muzzle of his shotgun at the last of the barrels. He gestured for his whole crew to help out, before heading onto the ship. While the men set about packing away whatever they were carrying, Captain Cuttlam moved to the aft of the ship to check the flag being flown. Satisfied, he turned to go find Ceres. The ship was hers, so he supposed everything was on her now. She hadn't gotten far, thanks to the size of the ship, and once the pirate lord had tracked down the new captain, he sighed. "Ship's yours, skipper. Take it away." he declared in passing, figuring he would continue his survey of the ship. He hadn't said anything about who would be on the ship, just that she would get one. So it seemed fair to join his escape with hers. He'd probably get off at their next stop and take his doctor with him. The crazy woman could take her bad luck to the grand line and get stuffed, for all he cared. Just as long as he wasn't going to be dragged down along with her...