(note given that there are no colors, all my comments will be Italicize Tags: Blind,Minecraft,Videogame. The Secret of Minecraft Original page: [url=http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/The_Secret_of_Minecraft] Find a lava pool at the bottom of a plot of land and jump in while wearing full diamond armor.[i]Why? Do I need to at the bottom of a plot of land, and wouldn't that mean I am really stupid, or really bored to be following the deadly advice from some random person on the internet? [/i] After that, sink until your hearts are half depleted. [i]Wait Wait wait wait, why in the hell would anyone not found this before, and be well documented? I am sure anyone reading this would be able to point out how accidents happen, and if this was really true, then this would be well know. I have played mine craft before, and i can tell you i have accidentally fallen into lava that far down, and had trouble getting out. [/i] You will suddenly fall into a room of pure obsidian. There, you will meet someone called the Gatekeeper.[i]I have always wanted to meet Zuul, and kick that demons ass, Gatekeeper, meet the keymaster.[/i] After you kill him, the eastern wall will fall away to reveal a hall of pure diamond blocks[i]Why is this a secret again? I am more then sure still that people would have know about this long ago. [/i]. After walking for about a minute or so, you will enter a gigantic cavern of Glowstone.[i]Oh perfect we are in hell, that what you get for following creepypasta.[/i] There you will meet the final boss[i]Ender dragon?[/i]: a creature so otherworldly that it cannot be described in normal words[i]It's a dragon you meet in the end, nothing I can't describe there.[/i]. If you manage to kill him, a door will appear opposite the hall of diamond. It leads to the opposite of the Nether[i]So ender world then?[/i]... but after entering you'll find it is only much, much worse. Here, the true game of Minecraft begins[i]Endermen are not really that bad, sure annoying but not really too bad.[/i]. Once you enter this land, all you will see is a floor of a glass-like block, only it emits a faint light[i]So like a glowstone but glass. [/i]. You can see that the sky is dark, but it too has a faint glow. As far as you can see, even at full render, there is nothing but this glowing dark sky and glowing pale floor. Then, you suddenly realize that a strange noise is sounding[i]The sound of people, getting up and walking away.[/i], one that must have gone unnoticed as it hadn't stopped since you entered this world[i]Yeah right, I almost did it after the first paragraph.[/i]. It sounds familiar, but you know without a single second guess that you have never heard it before, and you feel you will hear nothing but[i]As countless people who thought this might be good grow disappointed and leave.[/i]. The glow becomes darker, As the nonexistent sun starts to set, this strange noise gets more poignant. Almost shrill, almost extrasensory in its depth. Stars begin to appear in the sky, but they are not the typical square blocks that populate Minecraft so thickly. Instead, they are perfect spheres. They seem to have a resolution so high that it seems they are created by some sort of god[i]HYPER REALISTIC STARS! Yes I am counting this despite it not using the words. It did use a off shoot that implied it so yeah, HYPER REALISTIC STARS! [/i]. They started to sway through the sky in rhythm of the blank noise - rising and falling. At this point my game started to lag[i]wait wait wait you just jumped to first person...why? It's almost like this is a completely different CP at this point switching to first person to tell it like a haunted game.[/i], unable to render this dance of perfection. I tried to turn down my render distance, but at the first touch of the button, my screen was filled with otherworldly faces - pale gray contorting faces against an opaque white fog[i]wut.[/i]. They changed with each frame, which at the point was at approx. 1 per second. I couldn't figure out what was happening, so I opened task manager and shut down minecraft.exe[i]*cough* likely the title the person writing this wanted to use at first.*cough*[/i]. When I restarted my game minutes later, the Minecraft message in the home screen read, "Don’t you ever, ever stop the cloud."[i]I would normally say how stupid it sounds, but creator of miencraft, does have changing messages, and if this was real might add something like that, I would let it pass.[/i] The yellow letters crept up until almost the entire window was filled, but I still managed to make it to the world selection. To my surprise the world was only .5 Mb large. Once I clicked it, over a minute of loading screens popped up, but they all read, "loading the cloud," or, "rendering the cloud."[i]SOUL CLOUD!Oh looks like the main character name is Madison then.[/i] When this otherworldly place finally loaded, it was again this supposed night time of dancing circles and shrill noise. I decided to explore. As I walked, nothing changed. For over 20 minutes, I just held down the w key and watched as nothing changed except the lightly-luminescent floor. I failed to notice the most gradual change of all[i]You began to slowly see why writing this is a bad idea, and how you should scrap it and try something different? [/i]. The sound had been slowly became melodic, or should say, unmelodic. I’ve often read about the tritone, the "devils note," the main basis of all the metal music I listen to, but this was different. I could feel my nerves tingling as it played. Before I could even think about what the fuck kind of music this was[i]DAMN YOU INDUSTRIAL AND THAT SONG SLUG BAIT! [/i], I saw a cloud in the distance. As I walked it grew larger... and larger... and larger... and larger... and larger... and larger.[i]That got to be one giant fucking cloud, or you just found copy and paste.[/i] Remembering that this wall of cloud was what had frozen my game before, I expected the same strangely detailed grinning faces that had covered my screen, but once I was right up against it all I saw was the same block formations that Notch called faces[i]So heads? Heads of things eh? OH I AM SO SCARED LISTEN TO ME YELL OUT HOW SCARED HEADS MAKES ME!... I am not fooling anyone am I?[/i]. I saw the faces of skeletons and zombies and creepers[i]Woah Woah Woah, who the hell got close enough to a creepy to cut it's head off in one strike with out it starting to explode. Fucking creepers. Really fucking hate them. [/i]. Even though they had the resolution of many years gone by, they seemed to portray an emotion[i]...heh...heh okay okay Just put down your hands, imaging these heads having emotes is just funny, OH NO HEADS WITH EMOTIONS HOW SUPER DUPER SCARY! [/i]. I could see tears fall from them, as small as a single pixel; they trickled from these blocky faces[i]Really stop writer this is far more funny then it should be for some reason. You better at comedy then CP.[/i]. It reminded me of the mausoleum where my aunt was buried[i]Good job notch...I guess? [/i]. I decided to do what they game is meant for: I chipped away at the face of a creeper. I had no pick, no shovel, no axe - in fact, my entire inventory had been lost. I didn't know why, but it seemed that I was too far into a mystery to turn back[i]And as you just pointed out a paragraph or three ago, exiting doesn't get you out. [/i]. As I picked away, the face shed more tears[i]Yes crying heads, keep picking away, maybe, just maybe you wont be called a monster. [/i]. The godlike stars still fell and rose to the haunting demonic music. That’s when I broke through and a vast explosion of raping fire spewed from the opening. I backed away as fast as I could, expecting to die, but I had a full health bar; in fact, the fire had done nothing to me. I stepped nearer, nothing. I stepped into the fires, a sound unusually realistic resonated[i]HYPER REALISTIC SOUNDS MY FAVORITE SOUNDS! [/i], and I knew my flesh was burning[i]woah woah woah, you just said the fire wasn't hurting you, so why would it be burning your avatar's flesh [/i]. It made no difference, my health was fine[i]So it was completely pointless to point out then eh?[/i], so I stepped into a 1x2 hall that housed the flame. I walked down this hall, only seeing the flame and hearing the sound of my flesh burning[i]More flesh burning., more me pointing out for stupid this sounds.[/i]. Then a voice arose, it was deep, it was the sound that the demonic gods of our dreams seem to speak in[i]So it speaks in riddles, and gurgles? Or is that just me?[/i]. It said: "THIS IS YOUR SCOURGE. THIS IS YOUR PASSION. THIS IS THE PURIFICATION." When the last resounding syllable sounded, I walked into a vast hall. It was like the Nether, but it was more beautiful, almost dystopian. Fire still burned, lava still fell, but in cascading geometric shapes that seemed to complete the world. I saw other people too, the same low definition versions of myself that I had not seen in so long[i]Oh maybe we get more sensible people, maybe[/i]. But I also saw horrors: Creepers, Zombies, and Skeletons - all chained, all in bondage. Weeping, crying, being tortured for fun[i]Really more about this, you kind of feel the writer really hated those monsters.[/i]. I saw them tied to a table, their entrails being torn out with picks as the people laughed. Their hissing and growls were now replaced by terrified shrieks and cries. All the spilled blood could be seen so clearly; it was like watching it flow from my own face[i]wut. Watching it flow from my own face? I will say it again. Wut. [/i]. I could see the anatomy of these creatures as clearly as they would have been in some grotesque biology textbook[i]HYPER REALISTIC ORGANS.. from monsters? [/i]. A human looked over to me, walked away from the zombie he was bludgeoning, looked me in the eyes, and said, "Prepare for your Hell, fucker[i]Oh Hey look, this is every xbox live conversation I have ever had. Boy Xbox live is sure a horrible place. [/i]." He hit me and my hearts fell, I ran, not knowing why I was the enemy. I ran as he chased me, chanting, "Your Hell is the prison of our kind. Prepare to taste the pain that you have given our brethren[i]Minecrafte players new tactics to grief have gotten quite bizarre lately. [/i]." As I ran, the haunting music still played. But I could hear myself, not the sound of my burning flesh, not my heavy breath. But I heard myself hiss[i]NO JOHN YOU ARE THE DEMONS! and then john was a creeper![/i]. I ran and ran and ran as the chants chased me...until they faded away. I was in a small room - fire outside illuminated it - but it was still filled with a dense darkness. I heard the same demonic voice say, "YOU HAVE BECOME YOURSELF. YOUR DISGUISE OF HUMANITIES SKIN HAS BURNED AWAY! YOU ARE NOW PURE OF BODY AND OF SOUL! GO FREE YOUR PEOPLE AND UNMASK THE HELLISH FIGURES THAT CAPTIVATE THEM!" Not knowing what to do I, turned around. A creeper was staring right the fuck in my eyes[i]I need to say fuck so all you know I really mean it, when i was emoting that. [/i]. I tried to run but only ran into the other side of the small room. Going back, I had seen a mirror. I looked in the mirror; the image of a disgusting writhing creeper looked in my eyes. I realized I no more hearts.[i]Looks like he accidentally his hearts. [/i] Not that they were empty, they were gone. I walked into the fire outside and only my hissing vocalizations were heard. A mob of humans came after me, chanting the forbidding chant[i]Chanting the forbidding chant? [/i]. Backwards, forwards, in latin, growling, screaming wailing, they chanted, "Vox es mundi, inferno captivare [i]I guess this is that one dead language but i could be wrong. [/i]" I tried to run, but I was frozen. As they surrounded me, I hissed. I wailed, shrieked. The screen became perfectly detailed, as if it mirrored the world[i]OF MINECRAFT! *dun dun dun sound cue*[/i]. The music grew louder, as did everything; my ears rang from the barrage of senses. Then I exploded[i]oh well no one cared about him anyway.[/i]. I the creeper, I the monster, I the terror, I the murderer. I sacrificed my wretched self for my similarly wretched comrades. The thing I used to fear I had become. The thing I used to be, I crushed[i]OH GOD HUMANS ARE THE MONSTERS! HOW HORRIBLE! As I pointed out completely different CP then the beginning paragraphs. [/i]. I had become the saviour of the deadly walking terrors that plagued the world[i]No No you have not, you are just a fucking creeper, stop pretending to be creeper Jesus.[/i]. My world, the hell of my former kind, the Earth, the captivating prison that entertains us with its seemingly endless landscape[i]That sounds a lot like minecraft.[/i]. Released from the Hell, I finally reached my true form: the monster, the thing that chases the prisoners from their gilded cell. The saviour. The screen was blank. All I heard was the hissing and growling of the terrors. I understood what they said. They worshipped me. The sound continued. It grew louder until my speaker buzzed and my ears rang. I tried to turn it off, but nothing happened. I cowered, I cried, I fell in the corner[i]One does not simply keep there sanity when becoming creeper Jesus.[/i]. All I could do was contemplate what this meant. I felt as if I was the one who was trapped in this earthly cage. I thought about suicide, finding this other world of terrors, but it quickly passed[i]Teens, and there suicide problems, oh well.[/i]. I gathered myself, touched the computer, and continued with my life, the hissing and shrieking still sounding. Even as I write this, I feel my praise, coming from our grotesque dungeon masters[i]Looks like the writer was rolling a lot of 1's on there writing skill checks. [/i]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What I learned: Humans are creepers. Minecraft clearly has secrets know one knows about. I think switching to first person at some point in the creepypasta is always a great idea. Creeper Jesus has blow himself up for your sins. minecraft has deep emotional problems. Minecraft is hell for creepers. ender dragon appears after you kill the gate keeper. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Counts/ratings. Hyper Realistic count: 3 Inventory space taken: 64 Things not in the game: 16 things. Scary rating:2/10 Possibility of happening:1/10 <--- 1 is only for the message changing. Fun:6/10 nightmares:1/10 That's it's for now.