#3 Kylie hadn't even heard Hannah approached her from the back. It could have been another walker for all Kylie knew. She was still panicked, she could have died. She could have died and that would have been the end of her. She would have been bitten and eaten and whatever was left would stand up and the horrible cycle would continue. If Oskar hadn't warned her or if she wasn't carrying a weapon she would have died. And for the first time in a long time she was truly scared. Raiders were different then zombies, sometimes humans could be reasoned with. And with a gunshot to the head at least the death would be fast. But all zombies want are to eat. Kylie was shaken from her thoughts, literally, by Hannah shaking her shoulders. Kylie slowly got to her feet, listening to what Hannah said very carefully. She felt dizzy, from not only her hunger and exhaustion but now also her panic attack. At first Kylie was not going to verbally respond to Hannah, but figured confirming her understanding would only work with words. “Yes ma'am...I understand.” The sounds of the car starting was a sound almost foreign to her. She suddenly remembered when she used to drive, back before the world went to hell. She remembered driving her friends around town, going to the mall or just driving around for fun. She remembered complaining about gas prices. The price of gas didn't seem so bad now. She looked over towards Hannah, her expression looked tried. She wiped away the tears on her face, leaving behind smudges of zombie remains. “I was able to find some medical supplies for Camella's leg.” Maybe things were picking up.