[u]Sam[/u] "Name's Sam." Sam said in response to Jake and Gabe "Nice to meet you. I'm also new around here." The Jake kid seemed nicer than the pirate chick. He mostly ignored the two other people as they sat down, and cracked a smile at Gabe's joke. Her sarcasm amused him greatly. He looked down at his food and took a bite of the scrapple, amusing himself for a moment by thinking about all of the awful shit that was in the scrapple. Sam wasn't one to be grossed out by food, and so whenever he ate something weird he enjoyed thinking about what was in it. Scrapple was pig organs, he believed, but he couldn't remember which organs were in it. "So where are you guys from?" he asked them after swallowing the piece of scrapple. [u]Jack Corvo[/u] Jack's breakfast consisted of a bowl of oatmeal with raisins, a hard-boiled egg, and a black coffee. This was always his breakfast, and he never changed it, not once. Since arriving at the school, Jack Corvo ate the same breakfast every single day of his life. The school's cook at one time began to play games with him by changing the oatmeal to grits (Jack could not stand oatmeal) and the raisins to dried cranberries. He responded by launching his bowl at Valjean's head. Jack claimed that every part of the breakfast had a very specific function that gave him the energy to go through the day; the egg supported his brain health, the oatmeal gave him ample long-term energy, and the coffee supplied the caffeine that his mind craved at 8 AM. Jack exited the lunch line with his everyday morning meal and immediately began to scan the room for people to sit with. His eyes fell on Shannon, and he was gone. Despite her extreme negativity, Shannon was one of Jack's best friends. He made his way across the room, greeting a few nameless familiar faces politely and not looking at Jean, who he could hear was being a prick again. [i]Someone REALLY needs to slip some arsenic in that bastard's coffee one of these days[/i] Jack mused to himself. He arrived at Shannon's table and sat down next to her. The kid she was sitting across from looked vaguely familiar, but Jack couldn't put a name to the face. "What's up, sunshine?" he said happily, poking fun at Shannon's usual stormy disposition.