[center][b]ACT I Bright Skies and Strong Storms[/b][/center] The rock bounced several times before rolling to a halt in the middle of the dirt road. Walking along the dirt trail next to Lake Krukow, the blonde teenager found some entertainment in kicking a small stone. The sun was high in the sky, though it wasn't exactly hot. It was never "hot" in Krukow. Nor was it ever really cold. The temperature fluctuation was minimal, no matter the season. It was just as boring as this dirt road. Aubrey gave another light kick, watching the pebble bounce across the road further. However, it came to a rest near something that at first looked like another rock. As Aubrey drew near, he stopped and examined the small object. It was a wooden butterfly, slightly larger than the pebble next to it, with some kind of thin lace. A necklace of sorts. At first, it seemed plain odd. Then Aubrey's eyes widened. [b]"An Aeva?"[/b] he thought aloud, bending over and picking it up. Holding it by the lace, he looked at the necklace intently for a moment. [b]"Hey."[/b] The wooden object remained silent. [b]"Helloooo?"[/b] Still silence. [b]"If you're one of those Aevum I've heard about, you better not be messing with me..."[/b] The staredown continued a moment longer before Aubrey let out a sigh. Shrugging his shoulders, he tossed the necklace into the nearby lake. [b]"I bet someone thinks they're real funny..."[/b] With his hopes now crushed, Aubrey kicked the rock again. This time, it made a sharp turn to the left after the first bounce, landing right in the lake. Now mildly disappointed that there was [I]no[/I] form of entertainment for the rest of his walk, he paused to watch the ripples along the lake surface. But as the ripples died out, he began to hear a rumbling sound. The water of the lake began vibrating, creating small ripples across the entire length. Confused, Aubrey turned around to face the source of the low rumble. Frighteningly low in the sky, there was a large airship. Heading directly toward him. [b]"Whoa..."[/b] As the large ship, an open-deck freighter by the looks of it, passed overhead, Aubrey rotated to keep his eyes on it. [b]"Don't see too many of those pass by... That jackass was flying really low..."[/b] Suddenly, an idea came to his mind as he watched the ship disappear over the trees. [b]"I bet everyone in town saw that too!"[/b] The teenager broke into a brisk run, no longer caring about neither the stone nor totem that had his attention moments before. He had a story to tell his mother. --- [b]"Vladmir..."[/b] A tall man with black hair and obnoxiously large glasses stood in front of a desk. Behind it was the Krukow mayor, Vladmir Maximus. Not only was Vladmir tall, he was also wide. Though he was grey haired and wrinkled, with a trimmed grey beard to boot, his size came from muscle rather than fat. Intimidating to look at. Hilarious to listen to. [b]"I know, I saw it too,"[/b] a surprisingly high-pitched voice came from the big man. The assistant adjusted his glasses. [b]"It would seem that the freight ship that passed dangerously low has landed on the north side of the island. It was likely an emergency landing. Should we send a search party or...?"[/b] The older man let out a sigh. [b]"We never have ships like that come through this region of the world. There are no major routes nearby. This is suspicious..."[/b] As the overly-large glasses seemed to keep slipping, the tall man had to adjust them again. [b]"I do not believe that ship was Crucibellian, Vladmir."[/b] [b]"Of course not. It was too old to be a Crucible freighter. But things like this... they are a bad sign..."[/b] There was an awkward silence around the mayor's office for a moment. [b]"Alright. We'll send a search party. Gather some of my men from Maximus, just in case."[/b] Before the assistant could even agree to the plan, the double doors to the room slammed open. [b]"Vladmir!"[/b] Another young man, barely an adult, had barged in. The sudden burst enraged the mayor, and he jumped to his feet. Now standing at full height, he seemed even more intimidating. [b]"What did I tell you about kno-"[/b] [b]"Three Crucible ships have been spotted coming from the south-east!"[/b] There was a tense silence in the room. As angry as Vladmir looked a moment before, he now looked scared. With nobody saying anything, the newcomer decided to continue. [b]"Two Magellan-class ships and an Interceptor-class. The Interceptor will be here any minute!"[/b] The mayor shook his head a few times and his angry expression returned. He pointed at the bespectacled man, whom was frozen in fear. [b]"Gather all of Maximus. We have more important matters than the other ship. Go around the town and try to get all the women and children to the north-west part of the island. We need to get them on the skiff to Kuiper, fast."[/b] The assistant snapped out of his daze. [b]"But sir... the skiff won't fit all of them. If you're planning on confronting them, you still won't be able to buy them enough time."[/b] A scowl formed on his face. [b]"We have to try. But we can't have a panic... Ugh... Change of plans."[/b] The other two in the room seemed surprised by his sudden change in tone. [b]"Gather all of Maximus. But we won't be fleeing. We have to disarm ourselves and take what's coming. This way, we won't lose as many lives..."[/b] The youngest spoke up again. [b]"But Vladmir! You've heard the stories. These people aren't going to be nice, even if we do just roll over and give up. Your Rift Hunting guild is strong, and many of the men that work at the lumber mill are strong too. We can fight!"[/b] [b]"No, we can't. The Interceptor's crew alone will be too much for us. And those Magellans... Those are battleships. If we put up a fight... they will annihilate us..."[/b] --- Aubrey closed the front door behind himself surprisingly gently, considering how excited he was. Rather carelessly in a rushed fashion, he threw his small backpack on the living room couch. Despite the fact that his mother was hardly able to get out of bed, the house was incredibly clean and tidy. Perhaps it was Aubrey that managed it. [b]"Hey mom!"[/b] he called out, rushing down the hallway and taking a tight turn through an open bedroom door. Laying in the bed, under the covers, was a black-haired woman. Though her eyes were closed and her skin was pale, as well as being on the thin side, she stirred. [b]"A huge ship passed over the island a few minutes ago. I'd never seen such a big airship around here before,"[/b] he told her, going down on his knees next to her bed. His mother's eyes opened, revealing they were brown. [b]"I've never heard of it either,"[/b] she responded, giving him a smile. Aubrey grinned a bit, before pulling something out of his pocket. [b]"I got paid today."[/b] He held up his hand, showing her the thick wad of cash. This caused her to chuckle. [b]"That's good. But we have enough groceries for the week. I think you should hold onto that."[/b] This seemed to surprise Aubrey. [b]"Are you sure? Can't think of anything else to get with it? Are you running low on your pills?"[/b] His mother shook her head slowly. [b]"We're all set. Thanks to your hard work."[/b] A grin formed on Aubrey's face as he put the money back in his pocket. [b]"Now why don't you go and find your friends. You deserve to have your fun for the day."[/b] Aubrey stood up to full height now. [b]"Sheesh Mom. You still talk to me like I'm a little kid."[/b] This made his mother giggle a bit. [b]"You always will be my little boy. Now run along. Make sure you're home by suppertime, and don't get into any trouble. None of your friends need to know how much money you have."[/b] Aubrey chuckled, before nodding his head. [b]"Love ya, Mom."[/b] He walked out of the bedroom now, and with her son gone the woman rested her head and closed her eyes again. Now with everything done for the day, Aubrey walked into the kitchen. Before heading out, he needed one thing. A pair of sunglasses rested on the dining table, and the teenager quickly snatched them. After checking his reflection on the back of a clean spoon, he determined he looked cool enough to wander around town. With a grin on his face and money in his pocket, Aubrey headed out the front door. Upon closing it behind himself, he took a look around. The town seemed too quiet and boring for his taste. Before he could even decide where to start searching for people, he saw several Rift Hunters walk by. It was obvious who they were, as they wore the Maximus uniform. The teenager watched as they walked by. Though it wasn't common to see them around, as they lived here, something seemed off. The two men seemed almost suspicious. Aubrey watched as they walked down the street and turned the corner, likely heading for the town hall. Their boss worked his day job there as the mayor, after all. Despite the strangeness of that event, Aubrey shook it off and the grin returned. Time to find some friends.