[u]Matthew[/u] "Fuckgoddamnshitfuck!" Matthew said, clawing his hands to his ears when the alarm went off. He looked to the source of the sound and snarled, grabbing the baseball bat by his bed and getting out of bed. He drug it with him, before essentially throwing it against the alarm in his room. When it bounced off harmlessly, it simultaneously shut off. Forcing the enraged young man's rage to subside. "Assholes... Every single day..." he hissed to himself, dropping the baseball bat there on the floor and rubbing his eyes. He was going to get someone for that, and he would make them regret it. He seethed, opting to take a cold shower before he went on a murderous rampage around the dorms. After a cold shower, brushing his teeth, and dawning his clothing, he felt less of an urge to kill something. His attire comprised of running shoes, a white shirt with vertical black stripes going across it, a leather jacket, and his signature red beanie. He felt like he looked good. And that was all the mattered to him. Screw everyone else, and the heat. He knew it was hot, but this was his [i]jacket![/i]. If only he had his motorcycle. Not that he would really be able to ride it around on an island like this. He took his things, his watch, his phone, ear buds. Nothing super special. Matthew was a summer student on the island, having come here a few months earlier in the year, and staying for the duration of the school year. In a way, he was a full student, but he didn't know if he would stay or not. Depends on how things played out. He wanted to see if he could expand his powers father than he already had, as his diagnostic had put his potential as stupid high, and no one had done much about it as of yet besides himself. Maybe Adam would do something about it for the first time in ever. He hoped so, just so that way he could more effectively kick a few asses in the arena. Not that he couldn't do that already, but he wanted to make it a bit easier on himself. After all, winning was a [i]tough[/i] job. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and things blurred as he walked to exit his room and then right to the cafeteria. He had his table and everything. Not one messed with his there, just ate in silence, which he liked. When he got there with his food, however, alone was not something he was was given the option of being. There was some idiot who was talking about being someone's Ass slave or some shit, and some other equally stupid person sitting there and doing nothing. There was also willy-one-arm in his spot and an actually pretty attractive girl who was proclaiming herself owner of said ass slave. "Hey, asshole who fapped his whole arm off, move." He said, pushing the other man to the side and taking off his jacket before he sat down. This exposed his tattoo sleeve, but hey, the girl seemed like she liked those things. His plate was piled high with food, he would need it. Instead of eating it, he simply stuck his hand into the mountain, and within a few seconds it became black and red goop of biomass, which he promptly absorbed. He knew the others were watching him by this point, so, without looking up, he spoke. "Snap a picture, it'll last longer." [u]Henry[/u] "Well, welcome to school then. It's not exactly orthodox, but hey, school is school." Henry said, giving the child a grin. He looked over to this new person, Aislin, as she called herself. "Oh, welcome!" He said, giving her a smile when she proclaimed herself to be a new student. "My name is Henry Olin. I'm a new science teacher at the academy. I've been a student here for over a decade, and graduated last year." He proclaimed proudly. He earned it, he would flaunt it. "Yes, it's a beautiful. I was out running this morning when I saw it. But you should see it just after a tropical storm. It's always lovely, before and after." Henry said, thinking back to some of his many memories here on the academy. He had been able to see many sunsets like the one this morning. "I can second the jungle, it's truly an incredible experience." Henry said, falling back to his memories once again. "One of the great wonders of the world how this incredible place is man made." Henry said, scratching his chin. "Oh, speaking of the jungle," the reptilian man began. "If you all are feeling up to it, I'm organizing a little expedition today after class if any of you are interested. Just to get the new people's feet wet." Henry said, winking to Dana. "Spread the word too. The bigger the turnout the better. Oh, and I'll be around campus all day today, other chemistry teacher is teaching. If you have any questions I'll be around to help or direct you wherever you need to go." Henry said. He always tried to make a good impression on new people, to show them he really wasnt a scary guy, not like what people thought he was. "What do you think of a little exploration trip, Jaska? We have a cave system on the island I think you'll like."