There was always activity at Nora's little bar. There was always someone that felt like drinking, even when it wasn't entirely appropriate. Sometimes vice was just a little too strong for people to ignore. That kind of behavior was probably why some people looked on her locale with suspicion, considering her a vile temptress that led otherwise pure citizens into a life of debauchery and sin. Of course, she didn't care about the rumors and the slander. As long as these drunks were prepared to pay, she was prepared to provide. But, even though someone was always here, it was usually the same old pack of drunks that comprised her regulars. She had heard most of their stories already, and she knew there wasn't much point in engaging them in conversation. It really did get mighty boring passing out liquor to the same faces every day. Sometimes she wondered what she wouldn't give if a better opportunity would just waltz right in through the front door.... [b]"I saw airship!"[/b] The cry came from someone who had barreled in through the front door. [b]"A big one! It landed to the north!"[/b] [b]"Jude, what did I tell you about getting drunk BEFORE coming here?"[/b] [b]"I swear it's true! And now the Rift Hunters are milling about the town! Come look!"[/b] Nora got up from her lazy position at the bar to take a look outside. This sounded too exciting to possibly be happening in the boondock town of Krukow, but Jude sure sounded het up about it. And he was telling the truth. Nora could see a few of those Maximus fellas making their way to the town hall. It didn't confirm that there was an airship on the island, but it did mean Jude wasn't completely full of it. [b]"Hmmm...."[/b] Was all Nora uttered before returning to her seat. [b]"That's it? You're not going to look any closer?"[/b] [b]"What's the point? If it's a problem, the hunter boys will take care of it. With luck, maybe there'll be a bunch of thirsty crewmen with fat wallets coming to the only place for good hooch in town. But else, I really don't give a damn."[/b] And that was that. Jude eventually let go of his excitement and settled in for a drink himself. Nora was just going to wait, keep serving drinks, and see if anything profitable would come of this.