[b]"Cold? You have no idea what cold is." [/b] The words were repeated back to the 2 who were locked in conversation by expirement 666 aka Jynxs. The mockery was of slightly increased volume, when compared to the original statement. Jynxs had risen from the ground behind these two less than 2 seconds prior to their conversation and waite for them to finish speaking to repeat their line. This was made all the more insulting by the cold aura he gave off. Not just that he seemed unintereste in conversation, but that small drops of water were freezing upon people as they neared him. He was perfectly dry, having not had to cros the weather, yet his greasy black hair hung in his face as if he had received the worst of the weather. Behind the curtain of hair, his glowing purple eyes burrowed fiercely into the women, unblinkingly. Not giving either of them much chance to respond, and without introducing himself, he whispers something under his breath in parceltounge, and trudges past the women. He moved without any further noise, accept the hissing of parceltounge under his breath, and the hissing of his basilisk, whom followed closely at his heels. He simply moved in the direction of the teacher's lounge. Its not that Jynxs was trying to be rude, but its difficult to build social skills when your life has been mostly spent within a test tube, surrounded by preservatives. He almost seemed like a high schoo student who just never fit in. Plus he looked young enough to be a student! Who would guess this strange creature would be teaching alongside the people he had just mocked?