Greetings, こんにちは, hola, hallo, Hej! Name is Guy. I'm newly 18 and decided I should discover this internet thing. It's totally different in my new home and I have access to waaaaaaaaay many more websites. This is one I've looked over for awhile and honestly I find the whole thing appealing! But I'm totally new to play-by-post and my English is lackluster, though passable. I have translators on my phone to help me learn words and such. I'm not used to a keyboard with QWERTY configuration, so excuse delays in my earlier posts. These things are damnable. My name means 'ingredient' in my homeland, as my mother is a chef. It's feminine in Japanese and 'mostly perfect for a girl'.(No, my name is still a joke amonst my old school mates) It's a rough translation but it is said like 'Guy' according to my tutor. So yeah. That is a thing. I can't say I have a style or any preferences, so I look forward to exploring the Roleplayer Guild to it's fullest extent and make many of the friends! So... Where should I start?