[hider=Scenario #3] [b]Scenario:[/b] [url=https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@41.899894,-88.0159046,238m/data=!3m1!1e3]East Sunset Avenue[/url] [b]Scenario Type:[/b] Open [b]Scenario Post Frequency: [/b] At least 1 per 48 hours, or I ask for GM’s approval on DayZing your char ‘n looting his/her stuff. [b]Max Players:[/b] 3 [b]Current Players:[/b] SyrianHamster, Dragonbud [b]Loot Level:[/b] Moderate [b]Walker Density:[/b] Heavy. [b]Bandits:[/b] Possible.[/hider] [hider=Hannah’s Group] [b]Members:[/b] Hannah Banks, Camellia Morgan, [s]Woodrow Hepburn[/s], Oskar Rennold. [b]Weapon Pool:[/b] M14 (1 x 11), M4A1 CQCR (1 x 30), Winchester Model 70 (x20), Heavy Duty Tyre Wrench [b]Vehicle:[/b] Humvee | 50% Fuel | 75% Condition | Seats 6 [b]Equipment Pool:[/b] Apache helmet, military radio, 2 x can of baked beans, box of stale bran flakes, map of Chicago, protein mix, car battery. [b]Location:[/b]CDC Safe Zone[/hider] [b]Hannah and Kylie moved back to the Humvee, and its engine burst to life in a series of splutters and heart-stopping chokes.[/b] After a few seconds, it settled, and started to idle. “Ooah,” Hannah muttered. “About time we had some luck.” The horde had reached the church however, and were yards away from the vehicle. Hannah wasted no time in letting rip with six well placed shots, taking out the walkers nearest them. With the time they’d bought, her and Kylie were able to scramble inside. Camellia had been laid across the back seats, and she was going a deathly pale. “Where to?” Oskar yelled. “Don’t give too many fucks about that, Rennold. Hit the gas and get us out of here,” shot back Hannah. She then turned her attention to Camellia. “Fuck.” Hannah could shoot walkers well enough, and order people around like your average TV drill sergeant, but first aid was not her strong suit. [b]She looked at Kylie.[/b] “Any idea how to use this stuff” She asked, pointing at the first aid kid. “Because if so, hop to it, Cam is running out of time” The Humvee lurched forwards, knocking a pair of walkers to the ground, and then it banked hard right and flew on down the road. They were safe, for the time being, after what seemed like a life time of living on the edge.