[b]Agnès and Alice[/b] Agnès continued to jump, but she was getting exausted from those leaps. [i]If I don't find someone, I will be lost forever.[/i], she thought. On her last leap, she could see something in the sky. [i]Possibly it's the dragon that was roaring a moment ago. If I keep this pace, I might be able to reach it![/i], she thought and continued to jump. It was getting closer and closer to her as she finally noticed that it was moving towards her direction. She got back to the ground, breathed a little and did a higher jump than the ones she was doing. "Huh?!", she exclaimed as she saw that it was another girl. "What the-?!", Alice was surprised as well. Agnès came down and Alice followed her, being followed by five dolls, each one armed with a sword. When Agnès looked at her back, Alice was staring her seriously. "W-Wait! I am not here to hurt you!", Agnès said, nervous. "Oh really? And why should I believe in that? A girl comes in my direction, and all that she says is 'I'm not here to hurt you'? Sorry, I'm not falling.", Alice said. Agnès saw that the puppetmaster standing in her front wasn't going to talk a way out. "If that is how is going to be, then I will fight you and prove my innocence!", she responded. BGM: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2JMtP35Kkk]That Person's Name Is[/url] "That's all that I wanted to hear! Dolls, after her!", Alice ordered. The five dolls charged at her, spinning like saws being shot at someone. Agnès defended their attacks and then, with a single slash, she defeated the dolls. However, they exploded and sent her a few meters away. [i]Those dolls are little warriors and bombs at the same time. I have to be cautious.[/i], Agnès thought. As soon as she ended thinking, Alice threw a doll at her. Agnès jumped high, out of Alice's sight. "W-Where did she go?!", Alice said. She had to quickly graze as Agnès came down, trying to slash her. The battle between them was just starting.