[u]Matt[/u] Matt didn't physically react to the juice being poured on his head. His mind raced, and his hand [i]almost[/i] turned into a biological claw where each of his fingers with razor sharp blades keen on cutting this person's other arm off. But instead he would take a more effective route. One that put him in the right, and showed this tool that he couldn't do anything to him. He turned to the one armed man and stared him straight in the eyes as his body converted the juice into biomass and absorbed that off of his skin and clothes, leaving him completely dry. His hard glare spoke to every language an dialect there was out there. [i]'Go ahead and do it again, make my day.'[/i] He turned back away from the man, having not raised another finger, or have spoken a word, proving that he wasn't a bully of sorts, he just didn't give a damn. He then proceeded to pull out his phone and play flappy bird. And not a single fuck was given through the whole situation, at least from his side.