Kylie was glad to be off the road and into the Humvee. They actually seemed safe for once. The car was armored so the zombies couldn't get in, and the car was moving fast enough to out speed the pursuing zombies. It felt good to get off her feet for a moment as she settled into the seat, her eyes heavy. But now was not the time for a nap. Kylie looked over at Hannah with a worried expression. "I...uh...know a bit about first aid. I can see what I can do." Kylie had been hoping that Hannah knew what to do, being all bad ass and whatever. Kylie began to sort through the first aid kit. "I once worked as a life guard over the summer, so I could save some money for college." Kylie pulled a brown bottle out of the kit, reading the label to confirm that it was hydrogen peroxide. Once she was satisfied that it was hydrogen peroxide and not deadly poison or something, she began to unscrew the cap. "And all of the lifeguards had to take a first aid class, mostly for CPR in case some kid choked on pool water." She began to drip a bit of the solution onto a wad of cotton. "I had to deal with a few scraped knees in my day, like when a pool goer slipped or ran too close to the pool." She sighed. "Okay Camella, this is going to sting, but I need you to hold still." She began to clean the wound, trying to keep Camella still. Once she was satisfied she began to unroll a roll of bandages. Kylie just hoped Camella wouldn't need stitches. She wrapped up Camella's leg very carefully before looking up at Hannah. "This is about as far as my medical knowledge goes, I'm not sure what to do about the bone." This was a lot harder then treating skinned knees.