Harold walked into the main room and did his best to blend in. As he walked through the crowd he began to get many odd stares. He began to sweat nervously as he waited to get called out. To his surprise a few people came up to him and shook his hand. "Such a wonderfully droll costume." Said a few people. "I should have come dressed as the lower class. Brilliant!" Said others. Harold forced a smile as he shook hands and pried himself away from the crowd. Harold managed to find a small hallway that connected the main room to the kitchen and plopped down in a chair. He was able to see most of the room and people from where he sat. He pulled his goggles over his eyes and did a quick glance. He didn't see anything usual. He put them back on his hat. "Wine sir?" A man appeared besides him suddenly. Harold jumped slightly as he eyed the man. He held his chest and laughed slightly seeing it was a server. "No, thank you. I liked to keep my facilities in, new surroundings." Harold waved his hand at the tray of wine. "Understood sir." The server said walking away. Harold took another look around the building. There was a stairwell that led up to a second floor balcony that overlooked the entire room. Harold thought momentarily about moving up there, but there were already some people mingling up there. He would make his way up there later on. Suddenly a hush fell over the room. Harold walked from the hallway to the edge of the room and get a better view of what was going on. He heard a loud announcement: "Lady Amelia Vanderbilt!" Harold stared, open-mouthed at the lady that was being announced. He had to take his mask off the get a better view. She was a vision of radiance and she knew it. Harold regained his composure and put his mask back on. He dismissed her as another socialite who craved attention. He used this moment of distraction to make his way up the staircase without being noticed. As he walked up the staircase to the second story balcony, he watched as the people seemed to gravitate to her. Harold shrugged to himself. He had never been to a ball before, so he assumed this was just normal behavior. He reached the upper balcony and leaned against the railing. He pulled his goggles back down and gave the room a once over. At first, nothing stood out, but as his gaze landed upon Lady Vanderbilt, a slight glow surrounded her. He kept looking and it began to slowly fade away. He took and wiped the goggles with his sleeve and looked again. This time, nothing abnormal shone anywhere. "How odd." Harold thought. His goggles never gave a false positive reading before. Then again, all this light reflecting off all this shiny jewelery. Before he could think further, a scream grabbed his attention. He quickly scanned the room and saw a small circle forming around a woman. Harold watched as the woman started levitating right before his eyes. Harold was secretly relieved. He dreaded having to stay through this whole ball with nothing happening. Harold quickly descended the stairs towards the edge of where all the people were watching the woman levitate. He watched as the woman slowly floated upwards. Then slightly to the left. Then slightly to the right. He looked around to see if someone could have been casting a spell on her. While everyone was looking at her, no one was mouthing any words or making any hand gestures. Harold pulled down his goggles and eyed the floating woman. At first, he saw nothing, but as his eyes scanned her he noticed something. There was a slight glow of something on her head. Harold acted quickly. He knew he was just supposed to observe, but he couldn't let someone possibly get hurt. He jumped up and grabbed the woman's feet. She slowly descended as Harold climbed up her. She began yelling at him and flagging her arms about. Suddenly, they started ascending again. Harold's face was next to hers as she looked at him terrified. "Be just one second ma'am." Harold grinned reaching for her hair. He felt around for a second until his finger pricked on something. He pulled back his hand instinctively. He then took and reached back carefully where his hand had just been. He felt a small metal object and pulled it free from her hair. The second the object was no longer in her hair, they fell to the ground with a thud. People began to gather around them both. As Harold stood up, he tried to push his way though the crowd. At first, everyone was fussing around him, asking him all manner or questions. Luckily for Harold, once the lady he had just helped slowly came to, everyone flocked to her. Harold did his best to disappear out the front door. Once outside Harold took off his mask and put his goggles on to examine what he had just pulled out of the woman's hair. It glowed softly for a few seconds, until returning to normal. It looked just like a normal hair pin to Harold, but he would take it back to the order to be examined. He pocketed the object and looked at his finger that had been pricked by the hair pin. The bleeding was slowing as he put his fingertip in his mouth. He let his hands fall to his sides as he leaned up against the outside of the building. Trying to figure out if he should head home or back into the party. He had made enough of a scene that people would probably not let him be if he went back in there.