I've fixed the outlying issues, and still fail to understand what's wrong with using the word 'refuse'; surely he didn't take offence to something as insignificant as such? If I have offended anyone, I apologise, it's hard to get my point across properly in some areas it seems. I meant that it is impossible to be instantaneously immune to any disease as it is in the real world, too; there's just a varying degree on how fast your body reacts to destroy it, and whilst we can contract disease fairly often we do not feel them as our body is fast enough to remove the pathogen before it manifests into any physical damage. The corruption is a powerful disease, but Allen's character is a powerful healer. Technically, she probably won't be able to feel the corruption at all (save for maybe standing on it and feeling a bit itchy, but that's more of a residual effect from the nerves to show that they are standing on something dangerous - similar to the way your fingertip tingles with pain just before you place your hand onto a hot object) since she'll be incredibly fast at destroying it. I never refused to let her be immune, since technically, she already will be. And again, I apologise. I tend to find that I sound a bit blunt when I type - it's a common occurrence. I'm glad you're patient enough to tolerate my rudeness.