[u]Mary Poppins[/u] Alex had considered eating lunch with her roommate, of whom she was almost one hundred percent sure was high. Alex, even during her little moon trance, had seen Aislin dig through her backpack, go into the bathroom, lock the door and then come out coated in perfume and wearing sunglasses. It wasn't that Alex minded, but she found it rather funny. Once she arrived in the cafeteria, her plate loaded with whatever hash brows she could get her hands on, as well as bacon and eggs, she went to find Lynn. Alex had passed Aislin sitting with some other students, and Alex didn't want to intrude. She also wanted to see how Lynn was doing. Alex balance her food in an almost dangerous way as she made her way through the cafeteria, finally finding Lynn when her voice called out to her. She couldn't help but laugh when Lynn referred to her as Mary Poppins, almost spilling her plate of food while doing so. She walked over to her friend setting down her plate and the two cups of coffee she had balanced on top of each other. She gave Lynn a chipper “Good Morning!” before chowing down, her food barely being chewed before another forkful entering her mouth. “Yeah I slept great!” She said, taking a break in her eating. “I got a whole three hours! The moon is so bright here!” She took three large gulps of her coffee, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. “How about you? Did you sleep okay?” She was about to start eating again, when she remembered another thing she meant to ask her. “How is your roommate? Do you guys get along okay?” She continued eating as Lynn spoke to her. “Yeah I agree...I want to do stuff with my powers. If I have to sit through a math class today I might just explode.” On the word explode her glow seemed to intensify a bit. “I hope we all get cool gym uniforms, like in the movies!”