Okay, Stitches, I have some problems with your sheet. To begin with, it seems like she can pretty easily shut people down. Stomp the floor once, the entire surface is quickly covered in corruption, and anyone who can't fly is now infected with it. Lethargy, slow reaction time, and dizziness are pretty damning in a combat situation, so I feel like your character only needs to get a couple of hits in and any given character is shut down. Even the healers. It fades off after thirty minutes, but causes severe mental deterioration over several weeks. So does she have to actively be next to someone, continually flowing corruption into them without sleep for several days in order to see this effect? If so, without being rude, is there a point to having the negative long-term effects? I'll be honest. I don't really understand how your power works or what the applications of it are. If it's just making people sick, I'm sorta lost as to why it's an extra-dimensional thing. It's essentially this toxic substance that she's capable of restraining as I best I understand. She can't control its movement, but can control whether it effects people and remove it forcibly. It also says she does not have to expend energy to resist corruption, but is slowly being corrupted without any of the symptoms. How can our characters become corrupted if it dissipates after thirty minutes? I'm not trying to be obtuse but I'm lost as to how this power works, and what applications it could have. Being able to levitate on the corruption's a cool idea, but if she can't control how the corruption spreads then she's kinda limited in where she can go, isn't she?