[u][i]Amanda Daisy Blackmore.[/i][/u] "[i]Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn[/i] straight, Butt-slave." Amanda nodded at Red as she grinned wildly. She was going to make sure he respected her. "Maybe you deserve a treat later." She leaned back into her chair. There wasn't much to talk about now. Felix started talking, obviously offended. It didn't matter to her, because if someone can't take a joke, then . "Yeah, I see you talking, but I don't see you provin' it." Amanda looked for a good opportunity to show off her Butt-Slave to other people - Because Felix just ain't that. She'll have to leave him here to rot. A little instance, not too far away, caught Amanda's attention. Some one armed guy thought it'd be cool to pour water on this guy that had to be the same age as her. Normally, this would warrant an ass kicking, but the kid didn't even. "You go guy! Show that one armed weirdo you don't give a fuck!" Amanda cheered at Matt as he did it. Matt walked off, and went right to a table and played on his phone. Well, she just found the perfect opportunity to show off her butt slave. Felix had already walked off, but honestly Amanda couldn't care less. Amanda grabbed onto Red's arm and started dragging him over to Matt. With the most evil grin on her face. "Hiiiiiii, I saw how you handled that one armed weirdo and thought I'd introduce myself! I'm [i]Amanda D. Blackmore[/i]..." Amanda put the tips of her fingers on her chest. "... Really interested in your [i]D[/i].'" She slapped Red's behind, "Butt-slave! Introduce yourself." She quickly clapped her hands twice. [u][i]Gabriela and Jake Valos.[/i][/u] Where they're from? A simple question that has a simple answer. Jake took a sip of his coffee. "[i]Black Fall, city of Freaks.[/i]" He placed the mug down on the table. "We spent a majority of our lives there, and we've certainly had some adventures there..." "Like that one time we got into a fight with eight guys." Gabe dryly says as she eats. "And my ass is still healing from those bruises." Jake said, equally dryly. They were merely playing around with each other. The other two kids were strangely silent. Maybe they're so [i]scaaaaaaared[/i] of the mass-murders/psychopaths/corporate lawyers that they can't even move. Jake smirked. "We also spent a bit of our time in Brazil - But don't get any ideas we're as American as everyone else!" Jake said. "So, Sam," Gabe started off, deciding to stop eating. "I bet ya' met waaaay better people than we have so far. We ran into emo-bitches, girls that are all, and losers." Gabe shrugged, "Really makes me [i]excited[/i] to see the rest of this school." [u][i]Shannon Jacqueline Balore.[/i][/u] Before Shannon had a chance to respond to Morrison, another guy walked up. Shannon was just about to sneer but when she saw it was Jack - She smirked. "Hmph, you know sunshine's overrated, Jack." She said with sarcasm in her voice, obviously joking. She spoke to both of them, "Isn't this yet another lovely morning? I think they managed to find a way to make that siren [i]even more[/i] annoying this year!" She was still sarcastic as always. She took a sip out of her drink. That damn siren was one reason why she hated this school. "And to answer your question, Morrison; it was better than the most of the time I spend here... My home life has [i]999.9[/i] percent less [i]Valjean.[/i]" Shannon shuddered. She spotted Valjean walking around, and the man had the gall to throw her a dirty look. "Hm... Speak of the devil, how about we ruin Valjean's morning?" [u][i]Matthias Landon Oxenford, & Sylvia Lana Bertoose.[/i][/u] [youtube]cPBE2uFU-Sc[/youtube] Yet another place. Matthias didn't think of the school as a new special. This school was... Like prison. Except with less ass rape.... and probably more super heroes. He sighed. The second he was awoken by that hellish alarm, he was walking the school grounds. Hands in his pockets, and a slouch in his steps. He was wearing a pink Hawaiian shirt with white flowers on it, and jeans. Actually, he should try to look at the bright side of things. He's in a new place, he can start anew, and be the person he [i]should[/i] be! He'll go into the cafeteria and talk to the first pretty girl he sees! Matthias walked straight into the cafeteria, and looked around... Okay, maybe not the first pretty girl he sees. Some of the girls here look [i]taken[/i], and he isn't going to get his ass handed to him on the [i]first day[/i]. He spotted a cute girl with silver hair sitting all alone. "Can I sit here." Matthias said the second he sat down. Sylvia's eyes peered towards him and she giggled, "You look like a piece of bubblegum with that shirt on." She taunted him. "Uh, okay." Matthias expected to be insulted, so it didn't really hurt him. "Your name? I am [i]Matthias[/i]." "Oh, [i]good for you.[/i]" Sylvia started looking at her nails, bored, "My asshole brother said a cheesy one liner once... What was it...?" She tilted her head upwards and started tapping her chin. "Oh yeah! [i]'I won't give you my name, you'll get it dirty'[/i]!" She didn't care too much for this kid. Okay this girl was starting to get on his nerves, but he won't give up! Matthias asked, "Uhh... You new?" "What!? I'm no [i]newfag[/i]." Sylvia said, feigning being offended. For fun. "[i]Just who do you think you are!?[/i]" "Hey, what?! I'm trying to make conversation!" Matthias threw his hands up in a surrendering way. "Well, enough conversation out of you!" Sylvia snapped her fingers and used her powers to silence Matthias. He wouldn't be able to make a sound. Sylvia contently ate her food, smirking at him fiendishly. [i]Hey! What are you doing!?[/i] Matthias moved his mouth, but nothing came out. He slammed his palm against the table, but he didn't do anything other than hurt his hands. He hung his head in defeat.