[b]"Oh great, I'm late again!"[/b] That was the first morning scare Nanako had. She had just barely woke up and noticed the time. She jumped from her bed and got dressed as quickly as she could, and nearly left the house before realizing she is forgetting something major important. Quickly going back to her bedroom, she approached a small aquarium which only had some dirt, a branch, and a few small plants in it. She then went and picked something out of there, which opened its eyes in return. [b]"You didn't think I'd forget you, did ya?"[/b] She asked with a smile, and the chameleon didn't seem to respond as it was placed on her shoulder. It merely warpped its tail around her upper part of her left arm. She then grabbed her bag and put it on her right shoulder before heading out, making sure to lock the place on the way out. Merely moments after she left, she noticed a rather large shadow on the ground which covered quite a bit of area, and looking up she saw a ship that appeared to be a bit too close to comfort. She noticed how plants around the area were greatly affected from the strong winds that were caused by the close proximity of the ship, so she decided that the work can wait and that she will need to go and give the ship's owner a piece of her mind. Beginning to run in the ship's direction, she watched as it made a bit of distance and suddenly bumped into someone, which made her fall on the ground. Looking up, she saw a blonde haired person with sunglasses. She gave the chameleon a glance, ensuring he was still on her shoulder and well, and upon seeing that was fine, she got up [b]"Sorry for bumping into you like that. I need to be more careful."[/b] Nanako said while the chameleon appeared to be examining the young man, trying to determine if it had any kind of bugs on him.