[b][u]Stephen Avarian[/u][/b] Stephen shot up in bed his eyes wide open, not that he could see with them anyway, and breathing heavily. It had been what now? Two months since the incident? Why wouldn't these nightmares just go away, he hated reliving the moment several times a week. He slid out of bed and went into the shower about thirty minutes before the siren went off and let the warm water relax him and also hid the tears he had running down his face. He suddenly punched the wall in frustration, luckily not breaking it because he knew better than to allow himself to do that, plus he didn't want to damage his hand before the arena tonight. Once he got out of the shower the Siren was going off right as he put on his last second glove. "Well...Guess I can't hide from everyone else forever..." He mused to himself. He wasn't quite ready though, instead he opened his window to feel the fresh air and watched as the temperature fluctuated and changed from the difference and smiled. Once he'd taken that in he pulled out his violin and just played for a little bit. Finally though he decided he should get food into his system before waiting too long. He grabbed a couple of pop tarts to eat on the way down to the cafeteria and off he went. Once in the cafeteria he could see all the different signatures, a few of which were getting slightly heated every now and then which always amused him. He grabbed what he needed to make three big breakfast burritos. On top of this he grabbed three bottles of water putting the two extras in his cargo pants and decided who he'd go interact with for once. The problem with his sight was he couldn't tell who was who. It was all just heat signatures. He could tell figure and know if they were male or female based on shape but that's about it. Then he heard it. The familiar and loving voice of Sylvia. Stephen just smirked as he walked up as the guy slammed the table. "Easy there. Don't want to get yourself hurt now, that would be just a true shame." He mused at the new guy. He sat his plate down next to Sylvia but remained standing and took a bite of his food before continuing. "She might look harmless to you all, but there's a reason she can act so arrogant kid.: He turned and looked at Sylia, not literally but he liked to give some people the respect of at least looking at them even if he couldn't see how they look. "You could ease up a bit though. He can't help it that he's beneath you're ability." Stephen knew that most of the returning students didn't care for him. They viewed him as sadistic and cruel. So he didn't care for too many people and last year got caught up with the less than stellar activities so he didn't socialize that much last year, but things were different now, and as far as Sylvia went she was definitely someone who deserved his respect with her skill in the arena. The question was would she e as good in non arena fights where no one had to hold back? He believed she'd do fine but hadn't seen it as of yet. Stephen just smirked his hair barely parting for Sylvia to see part of his left eye.