#6 Levi stared at her, completely nonplussed and aghast at her reaction. She had helped to untie him only a few moments ago, so what had happened between then and now to cause her to somehow mistrust him? As he tried to formulate an answer, the repeated thuds of Calliope bouncing the ball against the floor brought him to his senses. "Did you not hear us?" he asked, frowning at the mess he had gotten himself into. "Look, it's not what it looked like. I wanted that ball to cheer the girl up and, more importantly," he lowered his voice to a whisper. "To prop the fence up." His eyes darted in the direction of Lindsey's hard work. Her effort, admirable as it was, was still far from completion. With his help, however, they would be able to escape a lot faster. "Please, you have to believe me." he pleaded, concerned that Lindsey was still not facing him. "I just want to get out of here and I can't do that without your help. I'll be able to open that fence enough for the kid to be able to get out. She'll be able to lift it from the other side and, with my help, the gap will be big enough for you to escape as well. I just need you to come back for me, OK?"