#4 Wade was a little taken aback by the appearance of the other man, with a name quite similar to the one he shared the dip with, though he was not so surprised. There had to be back up plans for this kind of stuff, and this was obviously Mr. Aldo's insurance. Wade stood back a moment, then offered the open can of dip to Arlo, "Nice to meet you, Arlo and Aldo. My name is Wade. I hope our relationship can further our survival." He said. It was similar to a business proposal, done by such men who lived gloriously above Wade's stature in the old world. "I believe we both will have skills that can benefit each other greatly." Wade said. "Where are you guys headed? Sears Tower?" He asked. He had tuned into the radio once, on a vehicle he managed to get working for a little while. He just flipped through every station he could and was lucky enough to find the radio message. Wade only wanted to find a vehicle to take with him to the Sears Tower. Chicago was a big city, and Wade wasn't about to hoof it to the Sears tower. He had the idea that if he hit the back roads, he could avoid the thousands of dead cars on the highways, blocking everything.