Of course Ceres had some words to say about how she hadn't been informed of the marines showing up. Octavius had no time for her silliness though. Yes, it was her ship, but if she wanted to know about enemies showing up, she ought to stay in earshot. It was very clear that she wasn't too worried about all that, though, since he didn't have time to answer before she was going off on everyone else, upset about the progress they had made.. The pirate lord just stood quietly by his cannon, waiting for someone else to show up and need shooting. That didn't last long, of course. He sighed as he was ordered to the helm. "Good job, skipper. You're a helmsman now. Good fucking work." he grumbled to himself, careful not to let anyone else here. Outwardly, he looked relatively calm, leaving his gun and heading over to the tiller. He fiddled with it a bit while the ship got moving. They just about ripped their moorings out of the docks while the crew took their time getting the hawsers reeled in. They hadn't even started until they were told what to do. He wasn't sure whose fault that was, though. Regardless, he already had the tiller cranked properly when magic started happening. It seemed that the captain was not about to wait for the crew to get themselves together, and instead she had her magical water powers get them started. That had them going places a lot quicker than he expected, and the Shotgun Preacher wound up using his left leg to anchor himself to the deck, letting it transform and bite into the nearest stable support. Knowing that he wasn't going anywhere made it easy enough for him to get the ship pointed in the right direction, since all he really needed to do was hang on. Despite the urgency and the insanity of the whole ordeal, he still managed to look almost bored. "Let's go, cap'n, I've got it." he suggested, doing his best to hang onto his tone. He had seen Ceres glancing at the helm, obviously concerned about something or other. Given the amount of concentration her work had to take, she was obviously worrying about far too much. Probably wondering if someone capable was actually working. But of course, she was looking at a notorious pirate lord, of course he was capable. More than capable, even. And if she didn't believe in him, he supposed she could always get someone else to steer. Indeed, she would have to once he got his own ship. He looked forward to that, wondering if she would just have to sail the whole ship herself. He was pretty sure she didn't trust any of the sailors he had rounded up, based on the way she treated them. He wasn't saying he trusted them any more, but she didn't have the sort of faith that he did. That was the real problem. He chuckled, wondering how long it would take her to be satisfied with a crew, and how long it would take her to replace them, when they inevitably died or split. All these thoughts were happy distractions from the menial task he had been given. Used to steering his own ship, this was no effort for Octavius, who was more than capable of getting the tiny ship out of the harbour without any trouble, even considering the break-neck pace that they had started out on. The only real problem, was that this was not the way things were supposed to go. He wasn't supposed to be working for someone else. Just the thought of it sapped his motivation. Why should he care at all? Thankfully, he wouldn't have to care for long. They would get to some pirate haven or another quickly enough, and then he could just fuck off and find his own crew, and his own ship, and reforge his legend once more...