[u]Cordelia Lynn Holmes[/u] Lynn was the sort who had "been there, done that". She wasn't really fazed by a lot anymore-or, so she'd thought. In the course of twenty four hours or so, the Academy had thrown at her a silverware-munching lizardman, a one-eyed girl dressed entirely in white leather (who she was sharing a room with, no less), and some sort of strange, raw-fish eating boy with a tail. Alex glowing, she could comprehend, but three hours of sleep? The hell? She said it in such a way that it was normal-no, like that was a lot for her? And the moon being bright? Lynn may not have been blessed with things like "formal education", "stable childhood", or "basic civility", but she was sharp. So this chick was recharged by the moon, and apparently could function really well on three hours of sleep. Like a werewolf or something, minus the wolf part. She just got all charged up from the moon. Lynn could roll with that. It took a bit of contextualizing, but she swallowed it pretty easy after that. After the lizard guy, she wouldn't have been surprised if some kid's power was being able to shit antimatter or something. "Yeah," Lynn said knowingly, "Moon's like, crazy bright here." [i]Who the hell pays attention to the moon? Well, actually, I'm starting to think moonlight is to Nightlight what Molly is to the rest of us, so I can't blame her.[/i] "Roommate's good, I guess. She doesn't fuck with me. I don't fuck with her. I'm with that one-eyed Irish chick with the Michael Jackson get-up." Lynn paused, figuring with her luck, Gabby would be standing right behind her. She glanced around, but the two were still alone. Huh. That was a nice change of pace. Lynn skipped right over the question about how she slept, because as a general rule, Lynn didn't sleep very well at all, but that wasn't something she really felt like delving into. She had a suspicion that if she brushed right past it and kept talking, Mary Poppins would miss it. Not to knock her-Alex was the only person that was on Lynn's list of "Doesn't Annoy Me". "If they make us do math, I say we just skip. And, suits?" Lynn folded her arms across her chest, chewing on her lip with a vacant expression that would suggest she was either thinking hard or tripping balls. "...I suppose I could roll with...suits," Lynn finally said. "Anything that isn't some academic, classroom bullshit, I'm down for. You heard anything more about the arena? As a general rule, I don't fight when I don't have to-" [i]because when I fight, I don't half-ass it, like I imagine this fat cats do[/i] "but..." Lynn shrugged. "I figure eventually I'll wind up handing someone's ass to them." She returned her eyes to Alex, sizing the girl up and down. "You're not much of a fighter, are you?" Lynn said this not with condescension, but rather genuine curiosity. She didn't get that vibe from Alex-you could see it, in people. Hardness. Coldness. She'd seen a glimpse of it in Morticia, a tinge of it in a few others....it was nothing like clairvoyance. It was just watching the way someone walked, someone moved, carried themselves. It was watching who was boasting and shouting in a conversation and who sat quietly, not needing to make a scene. Same way Lynn could, most of the time, pick out what model cell phone someone had in their pocket from twenty paces, she could spot who was hard and who wasn't. Lynn mostly hung with hard types, back home, the sorts who had either seen some very serious shit go down or had tiptoed that irreversible line of morality themselves. Alex, she felt, hadn't, which was...refreshing? Lynn felt a vague sense of responsibility for the girl. There was Crocodile Dundee who ate steel and probably shit out bullets, Morticia, who regardless of strength, certainly seemed to enjoy taking potshots at the new, weak-looking kids, and...well, herself, come to think of it. Academy had a bunch of dangerous types running about, and Lynn had a very quiet feeling that there would be a few child-sized graves carved out in the jungle before they all got back on that boat to go home. She didn't intend on going in one (although, admittedly, Lynn never really planned on a long life-she had accepted her life expectancy was two, maybe two and a half decades), but she figured Alex didn't deserve it either. Of course, if half these dumb fuckers kicked the bucket, Lynn would twerk on their graves, but eh. Lynn wasn't exactly well-versed in dealing with the soft types-it'd been a great many years since she'd been at the orphanage, which was probably the last relatively normal social environment she was in. She was used to a more terse form of relationships, but this would be...nuanced. "Listen, we have to do any shit today, and I legitimately don't know what that entails, which annoys me," Lynn turned and spat off the side of the ledge down into the brush below. "I wouldn't be opposed to, uh, watching each other's backs or whatever. There are some assholes in this place, I'd rather the one normal person here not get dicked over by them, you know?"