[quote=Fell] I wil be posting soon, sorry for takin so long :) -Edit-Vicier I have a question, for the RP what are the current cabin alliances? -Edit of the Edit-I posted! [/quote] Morning my lovelies!!! I'm so sorry I wasn't as active as I normally would be over the past weekend; I ended up becomming a lot more busy than I origionally thought I was going to be, (forgot my brothers footy match, forgot it was fathers day, got dragged into helping make some cosplays, relationship issues pushed to the limit almost pushing me over the edge) lets just say it was an interesting and eventful weekend @w@ To answer your question, alliances will be formed from now onwards; and as each alliance is made I will add them to the first OOC post so that we can all find them. PLEASE just make sure you let me know when one is formed/ broken (Knowing my luck I'll read about it but my mind will not register it properlly... I'm such a ditz... Especially in the morning...), I would love to keep it as up to date as I can. To answer your second edit... AWESOME!!! :D I shall be posting soon, maybe once I wake up a little more than I am xD