As soon as the ship was turned the right way and had some proper distance between the dock and itself, the sails took over. That was probably the fastest disembarkation the marines had ever seen, as Ceres could see most of them looking confused, and some starting to scramble to their own ships. They were too late though. Caravels were made for agility. The larger marine ships wouldn't be able to accelerate enough before they were already out of sight. So Ceres finally let the water go, reforming her arms. And right after that she collapsed, panting softly. She figured that the wave through the street from before had been her limit. But this time she definitely felt even more tired. Was this the limit of her newly found powers then? Or could she go even further... The crew cheered, both for Ceres and for Octavius. As most of them almost had a heart attack after realizing what was happening. Ships weren't meant to be sailed that way. Yet they had managed to pull this stunt off coming out unharmed. And now that the worst danger was over, and people had stopped panicking, everyone just started to do what was supposed to be done, amidst a few introductions since quite a few people didn't even know each other yet. They were still sailors, after all. After taking a minute or two of rest, Ceres managed to get up again. She headed for the helm and smiled at Octavius. "So, I think it's time to divide the loot. This ship is carrying quite a few riches you could sell, or use. How does fifty fifty sound?" Technically all of it was hers, as it was her ship's cargo. But she wasn't a pirate for the money, so apart from needing some funds to start her off she didn't care for it really.