Yuki spawned in the middle of a burning forest, brandishing her weapons. "Huh... so is this like a cinematic opening or what?" she asked, and stood still. After several minutes, she realized she did in fact spawn in a burning forest. "Who the fuck even does that? Maybe I can put it out with an ice spell." She raised her arm forward, and stared at her greatsword. "Oh what the fuck, I made a wizard!" she yelled, and brought up the equip menu. She saw that she was, in fact, an eight foot tall knight, and not the effeminately handsome wizard she'd designed. "Fine, guess I'm a fucking tank then. The great hero.... 404 error." she griped. She exited the menu, and saw a dog guy and a Skyrim clone arguing. "HEY. WHERE'S THE STARTER TOWN?" she yelled at the pair.