Octavius sighed quietly to himself once he was sure they were not going to be caught by anyone. The marines just weren't quick enough, since they lacked magical powers. There was some cheering and some moving on, but the pirate lord didn't participate in either. He was still mostly stuck on the fact that he was here, actually working for someone else. It was an awful feeling. He wanted his freedom back. And then, of course, Ceres showed up, trying to get him in her debt again. He didn't care how much treasure she had in the hold, he was not about to make any deals. And he didn't need her charity looming over his head either. "It's your ship and your cargo, do with it as you please. I'm not asking you for anything." he said, managing to sound polite, but also like someone who'd just given away a good deal more than they realized. Even so, the last thing he needed was the threat of him owing this woman something. She was terrible enough as it was, he didn't need her giving him things. If she started expecting things in return down the line, he could see himself ruined. Having been ruined enough for several lifetimes over the past year or so, the pirate was not about to start accepting "free" offerings. If Ceres was any kind of a real pirate, she understood that the captain of the ship divided up the spoils. There was no deal-making before hand. This sort of thing had rules. Most of them couldn't really apply now, considering the way the looting had been done, but that didn't mean she could just start messing with the gold of other men. She had a crew to pay, whether they were hers or not, and just forking over whatever valuable nonsense she found in the hold wasn't going to do. He supposed she might try to pull some "mine and yours" bullshit, about how the ship was hers, but the crew wasn't and all sorts of drivel like that. And technically she would be right. But that wasn't a very good kind of right. Indeed, he would be more than happy to dispute her little technicality until the ship was sunk and all hands drowned. Of course, he didn't mention any of that, or let it show. They hadn't even gotten that far yet. He was just antsy to be ruling the seas once more. On [i]his[/i] ship, with [i]his[/i] crew, sailing the various seas and striking his own personal brand of terror into anyone he came across. So the last thing he needed was someone financing such a thing. If he accepted this even split, and then Ceres tried to stake some sort of claim on his empire, well, things would get horribly ugly. It was just easier to refuse. He could get another ship, fairly or otherwise. One that wouldn't cost him a debt to anyone. One that wouldn't have any women on it... ((cue near disaster that proves Ceres isn't bad luck?))