As the Gabriel touched his forehead he fell asleep. It was mere minutes but to Azai it was hours for him, he felt like his whole body was burning and yet he could feel power rushing through his body, and he could feel holiness. He saw himself on a green meadow it was vast and empty, it gave him a safe and relaxing feeling... He saw a stone on the ground and felt the urge to carry it and as he carried it there was a silver light enveloping it, it was a powerful feeling so he threw it with everything he got, and it just burst like a bullet, Azai froze for a moment in awe, then everything went black... Azai woke up suddenly not knowing what happened, was that a dream or reality? He looked at the angel he was giving him a dagger, and that's when he realized it was more than a dream. He nodded his head to the angel and got up and helped him pack up. and said to Gabriel as they were leaving with a wondering voice [b][i]" So that dream was real? "[/b][/i]