Kiearn nodded briefly, in a sign of understanding, although some of her words fell on deaf ears. It's not that he didn't want to listen, it was more that her language was hard for him to understand, having little contact with Common-speaking folk. With a quick scrub in the calm waters, he was ready for the journey, as clean as he ever really got. He hopped out of the water and dressed in his leathers and furs. Cana walked up to them, licking her chops free of the bits of rabbit remaining on them. "We should see if the others are ready." he said as fluently as he could to her. After picking up his spear that doubled as a walking-stick, Kieran tucked a piece of her hair behind his right ear, revealing the sprawling tribal tattoo-like birthmarks on his face. He spoke briefly to Cana in Druidic and she playfully jumped to his side and brushed her head into his left hand. Kieran turned to watch Nyala dress with little shame, a touch of a hungry smile on his lips.