Diamond Larsen stood at the entrance to The Academy, she was waiting for the students to start showing up for the school year. She was excited yet also extremely apprehensive about the new range of abilities she had seen were going to be here this year. Precognition was an extremely hard gift to learn to control, anything could set it off and if that wasn't enough the girl also had the ability for death warnings. Diamond found herself wishing that maybe she wouldn't have that child in her class, she couldn't think of a damn thing that would help that poor child. She thought maybe her colleague Matthew Peirce would know a little more about it and she made a mental note to ask him about it later that evening. As students started filing in Diamond greeted each one with a wave and a 'Hello welcome to The Academy'. The name may have been subtle but it was that way for a reason, to advertise that they helped the gifted learn their ability would be to put the whole place on the map for the crazy ass cults. Diamond decided that she was going to go to the teachers break room and see if any of the other teachers were around yet. ____________________________ Brooke hefted her bag back onto her shoulder as she walked up the path to The Academy, it kept slipping off and she was afraid that she was going to drop it and it would go rolling back down the path and she would have to either leave it where it fell or run after it like an idiot. She looked around her, there were students on each side of her but she knew absolutely no one. Finally she could see the door to The Academy in front of her, and once she was inside she set her bag down on the floor and looked around admiring the place. She wasn't quite sure yet where she was going or how to find out about where she was going. Her ability to see future events didn't help her out any on silly little things such as where she needed to be.