Morito didn't seem concerned at all by the charging Nargacuga, instead he was much more focused on Nonon's threat to level the entire forest out of irritation with the panther-dragon's attacks. The red-headed martial arts girl was still here pinned to a tree and judging by the fact that she was meowing like a cat Morito doubted that she would be evacuating in a sensible fashion any time soon. In that case the battle had become a much more urgent matter as irritating as that was. If the veteran mercenary knew anything about arrogant power-wielding girls, it was that they had a tendency towards being dangerous. [i]I guess it can't be helped then. I was really hoping to save these things for something more important but those damn kids up there have forced my hand early...[/i] Morito dropped one of the razor spikes he was holding and slipped his now free hand into his pocket. He focused sharply on the Nargacuga with his Echolocation Skill as it approached and took out a pair of what looked like slips of paper with odd, indecipherable writing scribbled onto them, dropping one onto the ground just behind his feet. After that he kept waiting up until the very last second, when the Nargacuga's razor tail was just about to connect and shred him. He suddenly stepped back onto the paper slip and it responded by crackling with a sudden energy as a circle of arcane writing formed around it. As Morito pushed off of it he accelerated forward with enough speed and force to rip an ordinary person apart, dashing from right in the tailswipe's path to directly beneath it's body in an instant. Still moving with inhuman speed he focused his ELS more and more, trying to pinpoint the beating of the panther-dragon's heart. As soon as he did so he took the second page and stabbed upward through it, directly underneath the Nargacuga's heart. The same ring of symbols formed around the second paper and as it was pierced it magnified the action and thrust it outwards in a lance of stabbing force hopefully aimed directly at the invisible beast's vitals. Morito's momentum carried him out from underneath the panther-dragon and back into the cover of the underbrush, though he had to move quickly to avoid smashing into a tree. Hopefully that attack would be enough. After all, he was getting too old for this.