The woods were quiet for but a moment after they landed. But then everything seemed to catch up quickly. Tarek stood in front of her, in a guard stance over his master, as not one but two women approached, from opposite directions. One came from the woods, and the other from the sky. "Who are you?" the woodland lady began to inquire curiously, as the other perched in a ready stance. Tarek began to circle Zoran-Thiea, snarling, and gnashing his teeth at the woman who seemed to be a more present danger. The one who held her spear ready, as he great serpent beast spread himself above her. "Calm down you big oaf!" Zoran-Thiea whined at the wolf and petted the nape of his neck. He shook his great head and snorted at the woman and her serpent, but he stood in his place. As Tarek kept his attention on the woman who had brought her this far, Zoran-Thiea turned hers to the other who had seemed to appear out of nowhere, and observed her carefully for a moment. She appeared to be a local of Eve, though perhaps not from a pure family line; and she didn't seem to be anyone military. Truly, the girl looked more curious that threatening. But still, Zoran-Thiea kept her senses tuned to her surroundings. The girl seemed to be awaiting an answer to the question which she had asked with a bit of a strange tone in her voice, as if she believed the reply that she was to receive may be something of great importance. [I]Do I know this woman?[/I] Zoran-Thiea huffed at her own confusion and speculation. "I..." She hesitated a bit, "I am someone who needs to get the hell off of this island." Then she turned her attention back to her savior. "How can I ever thank you enough?" She hesitated. "Though I'm not sure why you would have risked yourself that way." It would seem that both of these women had a peculiar interest in her. Perhaps they were just unused to seeing someone wandering about, who looked like a woodland witch. People who believed in such fairytales of the gods and goddesses, would no doubt say that it was fate which had chanced their meeting. However, she had stopped believing in fate a long time ago. Zoran-Thiea need not waste much time if she was to get any supplies from her home before she fled the island. The armies would begin crawling the dense forests of Eve in search of her already. What else was there for them to do, other than to hunt down any immigrants? After all, the armies of Eve had already abandoned Rose in the joint effort to push against Kantle forces. Instead they used their main military power to sit and protect the Castle and all of the sacred places. But now was not the time to think of that. "I have no time to waste leaving this place, and it would be best if the two of you forget you ever saw me here." She spoke hastily but not unconcerned, yet she had not bothered, or else forgotten to use any of the generally accepted social niceties when speaking. Suddenly, she realized she must have offended them by speaking so bluntly. "Eh..." she caught herself and fumbled a bit in search of the quickest way to right the situation. "...If you wish to accompany me home, I have to gather a few supplies before I leave. Perhaps we have just enough time to have tea? It's the least I could do..." [I]Tea, that's what the pleasant rich people do for other nice people isn't it..?[/I] She looked between them oddly; the witch was a bit lost.