Daniel rose with a yawn and a smile. He made his way to to the bath room where he showered and brushed his teeth. Afterwards he put on a nice pair of black jeans, white dress up shirt and bow tie. He loved bow ties. Grabbing his Katana and back pack he said good morning to Weisse who had just woken up, then he walked out the door. Daniel looked around the hall and saw Shakuntala standing by Nikita's door. "Good morning sunshine!" Daniel said with a happy laugh and smile. Daniel wrapped his arms around his new friend. He let go after a while because he didn't want to make her feel uneasy. "Sorry if that was awkward. I just like hugs." Daniel laughed. "So, is Nikita home or did she already make her way to the cafeteria? If she already left we can walk together. But, I do want to go past the nurses office and see how that girl is doing." Daniel smiled waiting for Shakuntala's response. Daniel liked Shakuntala. Not in a wanting to date kind of way, just as a friend. She was a good person and she seemed to be okay with how much Daniel talks. She was okay with that fact he carried a sword around, most people aren't okay with it.