[b]@Impy[/b] Ren—or at least what you've told me of Ren—is largely what inspired my character, haha. Though really, being an Ouramancer kind of sticks her on a track for "limited abilities". [b]@Excidius[/b] Ahaha, uhhhh... I really didn't intend for the sheet to turn out like this at all, though thank you for your kind compliments. [b]@Jedly[/b] G'night! --- So, preemptive talk here, and by that I mean I'll be talking to myself and explaining some things.. I've been discussing the sheet with some friends of mine, who brought up some good points about the sheet as a whole. First, her background appears to not talk much about her at all! This is intended, as I felt that I wrote enough about her in the personality and abilities section, where there were hints at her backstory and motivations galore. So rather than focus entirely on Aoife, I tried to have the Background focus on the Halloran family as a whole. Funny enough, I had actually intended for Aoife to be a non-combatant that just happens to be very well informed. Her purpose was just to ask all the right questions and say all the right answers, sort of like what I've been doing here in the OOC but with more accuracy. It shifted toward a sort of "elite" when I realized that beyond Vellie and Eliza, [i]none[/i] of the other characters were combatants. After giving her a few skills and modifying her personality, it spiraled out of control from there. Which brings me to the point of her actual powers. When first reading through the sheet, my friend had noted that it appears that Aoife has no real weaknesses. This is partially a problem of my writing style, and partially how details have been omitted from the sheet. Aoife does have a lot of positives: She is strong intellectually and physically, well trained, and at least passably nice to everyone. At first glance, she seems to have arbitrary disabilities with team sports, and an anger issue, and she can't really write. Thing is, her weaknesses aren't explicity stated, but there's so much in the sheet that lists what she can do that part of the implication is that there is emphasis of what she CAN'T do. There are several classes of spellcraft she's completely inept or incapable of, like Insorcery. I also tried to imply that she would annoy the hell out of some people by virtue of how much she sometimes talks about irrelevant things. Perhaps I didn't make it clear, though, that Aoife's largest crutch happens to be [i]peace[/i]. Her mind dulls when there is too long of a lull in activities, a harmless and idyll town would drive her nuts and her brains gears would stop working. In short: she'd be very easy to take off guard if she's been inactive for too long. Lastly, the largest implication I tried to make with Aoife is that her level is essentially what is [i]expected[/i] of the higher tier of instructors. She's an elite upperclassman, and quite powerful in her own right, but the logic was that there would be others just like her, or others as strong or stronger than her in other fields. Anyway, that's all I wanted to randomly blurb about. --- One more thing, though... [b]@TheHangedMan[/b]: I [i]may[/i] require a bit of meta stuff for the sake of emulating Aoife's "intelligence network", and for some of the insider information found within her grimoire. If that's okay with you, of course.