[center][b][i]~THIS ROLEPLAY IS OPEN~[/center][/b][/i] [center][b][i][u]~Prologue~[/center][/b][/i][/u] [b][i][center]Hope. A feeling that has led the Ninja World to fight back against it's biggest threat, the mighty Ten-Tailed Beast and the strongest Ninja alive, Madara Uchiha. With their defeat, the world ushered into a new age of peace. The Ninja Alliance was separated into several Factions, in order to keep control of several different parts of the world, while the Tailed Beasts were sealed away in an unknown, but highly secured area. Economies began to grow and flourish, with new technology and inventions slowly appearing all over the world, including auto-mobiles and muskets that shot flame without handsigns. It seemed that every nation was booming with industry, with the Land of Fire and Wind leading the helm. With the factions now separated, they slowly began to develop their own identities. The Land of Fire and Wind formed the Kingdom of Fire and Wind, the Land of Earth became known as the Empire of Earth, the Land of Lightning formed The Thunder Republic, and the Land of Water began to shift towards a Democracy, only to be revolted by it's own people and turned into a Dictatorship by a popular, but secret movement group, known only as the New Age Confederation. With domination and 'national pride' in their hearts, they marched onto lands owned by The Thunder Republic and have sparked a 10 year long war. With an all-out war looming over the world, the nations try to hold on to a fragile peace through diplomacy...another meeting at the Five Kage Summit.[/b][/i][/center] [hider=World Map][img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10639393_1494527064131541_8299069663685104418_n.jpg?oh=fd90f69b35d84e36b74465543dc34993&oe=54910FA1&__gda__=1418935243_e4fd83d673c0093037052fac51f6dc76[/img] Red=Kingdom of Fire and Wind Brown=Empire of Earth Yellow=The Thunder Republic Blue=New Age Confederation[/hider] [b][center][i]This roleplay takes place about 250 years in the future, meaning that all of the canon characters have died off and that the world has ushered into the age of industry. Family relations with canon characters is forbidden, aside from the Clan in which they are in. You just can't be a relative of theirs, aside from the clan. If you have any questions about this future that I did not already put down, you may ask them.[/b][/i][/center] [center][b][i][u]~Rules~[/center][/b][/i][/u] [center]1. No godmode, instant killing other players, metagaming, etc.[/center] [center]2. Swearing is of course, allowed, but try to keep it at a minimum if possible.[/center] [center]3. None of the canon characters exist as of now, aside from a select few that I have chosen. Do not ask to be related to them directly.[/center] [center]4. Romance is allowed, but try to keep it PG guys.[/center] [center]5. Password is "Pervy Sage is Best Sage."[/center] [center]6. Depending on your rank in the ninja world, it will effect the amount of Nature Transformations/Releases you can do and what jutsu's you can perform. Someone who is a Genin would not exactly have a Rasengan or Chidori, unless of course they are learning it currently, but I wouldn't allow that until of course they reach at least an experienced Genin rank or have become Chunin's.[/center] [center]7. The maximum amount of Nature Transformations/Releases you can have is three, but you can only reach three if you have achieved S-Rank. Kekkai Genkai's that give you a specific Release are not bound by this rule.[/center] [center]8. Fire natured chakra allows for Fire Release, which is strong against Wind but weak against Water. Wind natured chakra allows for Wind Release, which is strong against Lightning but weak against Fire. Lightning natured chakra allows for Lightning Release, which is strong against Earth but weak against Wind. Earth natured chakra allows for Earth Release, which is strong against Water but weak against Lightning. Water natured chakra allows for Water Release, which is strong against Fire but weak against Earth.[/center] [center]9. Have fun![/center] [center][b][i][u]~Character Sheet~[/b][/i][/u][/center] [hider=Here]Appearance(Picture and a small description): Name(Clan name first, first name last.): Gender: Age: Faction: Faction Rank(Academy Student, Genin, Chunin, Jonin, Kage, King, Emperor, Etc.): Rank(E-Rank, D-Rank, C-Rank, B-Rank, A-Rank, or S-Rank.): Weapon(s): Nature Transformations/Releases(See rules for Info): Jutsu List(MUST make sense, depending on your characters Rank/Nature Transformations): Kekkai Genkai: History(TBH is fine.): Personality: Extra Information: Password:[/hider] [center][b][i][u]~Accepted Characters List~[/b][/i][/u][/center] [hider=Uchiha Mitsuhide - CorruptedShadow]Appearance: [img]http://animelife.ya1.ru/uploads/posts/2013-04/1365766831_night.the.miyama-uguisu.mansion.incident.full.874451.jpg[/img] [img]http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/1432347-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img] Mitsuhide stands at about 6"0, with a fit, but slim build to him. He weights at least and average amount for his age and height. Name: Uchiha Mitsuhide Gender: Male Age: 17 Faction: Kingdom of Fire and Wind. Faction Rank: Genin -Cadet of the Kingdom of Fire and Wind Rank: C-Rank Weapon(s): Katana Nature Transformations/Releases: Fire Release. Jutsu List: Kekkai Genkai: Sharingan(One Tomoe) History(TBH is fine.): In Progress Personality: In Progress Extra Information: He is currently a Cadet in the Kingdom of Fire and Wind's Military Division. Password: Pervy Sage is Best Sage.[/hider]