"I know it is I don't like going into the populated areas because of those things out there. I wish they would send out more then the two of us if we ran into those mechs." Morgan chuckled. It was as if the woman had read her thoughts. "They follow into the country side as well. Just ... not as often," she said as the city came ever closer. University of Oxford if she recalled correctly. "Remember several months ago when we were somewhere between London and here? We lost a lot of people when the spiders found us. Those mechs. We can't punch through their armor. Explosives, yeah, but we don't have too much of that either." The truck came to a stop as Morgan looked up. Hopefully it would stop raining. She hated walking and sleeping in wet clothes. It became normal nowadays, but she was still nostalgic for old war luxuries. Getting to of the truck, she gripped her rifle as she looked around the buildings. Paranoia was a life saver these days. "I'm pretty sure this place would've been picked clean," she said as she led the way towards the nearest building. It read commons. If they were going to find anything useful, right there would be a good place to start. Her feet sunk into the damp ground until she reached solid concrete. She rolled her eyes. She was going to have to clean her boots. Slowly pushing open the door, she took a look around. Nothing moved. Tables were overturned and papers littered the campus ground. The sight depressed her. "Let's take a look around," she said to Erika as she walked towards the Quick n' Go Mart. "No perishables. Lets try to stay quiet. No need to draw anything to us, love."