Is there anything else I need to fix with my application? You didn't reply last night. [hider=Character Sheet] [u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Jackalyn Walker ('Affectionately' called "the Jackal" by her siblings.) [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] The Jackal [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Height:[/b] 5'8" [b]Weight:[/b] Never ask a woman for her weight. [b]Status:[/b] New Student [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Shockingly bright red, just like the rest of the Walkers. [b]Eye Color:[/b] Green. [b]Ethnicity:[/b] White (Super pale!) [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Funnily enough, the Jackal cares a bit about her appearance. Her hair is long, flat, and a deep shade of blood red, tumbling down her back to her shoulderblades and staying there. She wears no make-up, and has a lean, flat figure, making her seem sickly with her pale skin. Her body is littered with scars. On her left hand, the fingertips are black with dark veins spreading down the length of each finger and converging at the palm, eventually fading by the wrist. [b]Attire:[/b] generally neutral colours and punk outfits, not very flashy or bright. Very covering, usually, but the shirts tend to show a lot of cleavage. Always wears [url=]this choker[/url] wherever she goes. Even if she's naked. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Outward & Innate Personality:[/b] Ah, Jackalyn Walker. As sour as a lemon and as blunt as a teaspoon, this charming bundle of sarcasm and scathing remarks keeps a thick, cold exterior to strangers and friends alike that is about as easy to break into as caked-on grease in a Mcdonald's fryer from the '80s. She doesn't get mad, like big brother Brooksy; hers is a simmering loathing, a coldness and hatred that permeates the air around her like a terrible odour. Intimidating, aloof and (worst of all) quiet, Jackalyn is obsessively protective over her family and almost constantly wary of anyone and everyone ever. However, once (if) you manage to push and claw your way into the heart of a person who is [i]very clearly[/i] content with what she's got already, and would rather you stuck your face into a blender than become friends with her, you'll find that Jackalyn isn't as bad as she looks. Her family in particular are honoured with the presence of a caring, gentle Jackalyn. Surprisingly, under all of that hatred is a brain; Jackalyn is very intelligent, and likes to teach her younger siblings and older brother about anything and everything that they have to come up against. She's a girl they can turn to for advice, battle-plans or homework help without being shoved away. When it comes to family, Jackalyn's a big softie over them and believes that they're all she ever needs. Aww! [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] Jackalyn's one helluva bookworm. She just can't stop herself from reading. Her other hobbies include scathing remarks, sarcasm, sulking, daydreaming, and fighting. [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] Jackalyn's intelligence isn't to be laughed at. It's one of her key factors, closely followed by an above average physical strength due to her constant exercise routine. She also knows a bit of French. [b]Prized Possession:[/b] That choker. Her collar. Touch it and you die. Break it, and you'll wish you could die. It's non-negotiable, she will not trade it for anything or anyone. It's hers and hers alone. In fact, she probably never takes that thing off, so it's pretty dirty. [b]Quote(s):[/b] -WILL SAVE THIS FOR HER BEST LINES IN THE RP- [b]History/Bio:[/b] Jackalyn was the second-born of the Walker family. Envious of her older brother when she was very young, she had to look after the younger ones a fraction more because she was the youngest, and because she was a girl. The sad truth! Brooksy had plenty of time to train his punches and kicks outdoors whilst Jackalyn gained muscle mass with the housework, the cooking and the cleaning as well as the rigorous training exercises that Phareon and Florence shunted upon their spawnlings once they were 'old enough to handle it'. Phareon and Florence Walker were Meta-humans; Phareon possessing the ability for super strength whilst his wife was telekinetic. They were both members of the army and were routinely called out for campaigns and missions, ergo making a lot of enemies. In order to protect their family (moreso their children), they bought a small remote mountainside hovel in Canada and 'prepared' the youths for life ahead in the only way they knew how - make them into heroes. Jackalyn herself was always very interested in the tomes, the books and the scrolls that her mother brought back from far-off lands, speaking of different languages and cultures that Jackalyn had never seen herself whilst holed up in the remote mountain-side cabin that all of the Walkers lived in. She wasn't graced with a proper education like most other children - none of the Walkers were, due to the isolated position of their inclusive little hovel. She didn't have friends, only siblings. And since siblings usually accept you how you are, they left Jackalyn to it, and she became smarter and taught them in turn. Her perception on strangers, due to the combined efforts of not meeting very many new people and having two parents who spoke always about nasty people, became very distorted indeed. She grew up building many barriers against herself and others, preparing herself for the inevitable; it's where she's pushed out such a cold attitude, amplifying what was already there. Time passed, and the Walker siblings grew older and more self-sufficient in their parent's continued absences. Jackalyn took the lead with her older brother as the protectors of the family - the ones to call on if there was a spider in the bedroom, or if someone was ill, Jackalyn would look after them. she became caring, loving and thoughtful - not to mention that she had a bit of a side-job of working with little Rosie, who struggled all her life as seemingly the only Walker imbued with magical powers of healing. Jackalyn worked long and hard and pored through many books about magic in order to help her, but there's only so much someone can do. She was only lucky that it wasn't harming magic, and as Rosie grew up she learnt more and more about her magic on her own, without Jackalyn's help. Of course, it was likely that a family such as the Walkers had more Meta-humans, and only a few months back did Jackalyn trigger her own abilities by receiving word that Phareon Walker had perished on the frontlines - a direct missile to the head by a tank, of all things. Her grief knew no bounds and unleashed her abilities onto her siblings, onto the very people she held dear. Aghast at her own recklessness, Jackalyn attempted to retreat further into herself and 'exile' herself from the family; something which the Walker siblings firmly refused. As Brooksy and Derek also revealed their own Meta-human abilities over the next few months, four invitations managed to make it to the remote mountainside cabin, speaking of a place where they can learn to hone their abilities further.... [b]Family:[/b] In order of age: - [u]Father: Phareon Walker[/u][i] - Deceased [/i] - [u]Mother: Florence Walker[/u][i] - Alive, Estranged from family[/i] - [u]Older Brother: Brooksy Walker[/u][i] - Alive [/i] - Herself - - [u]Younger Brother: Derek Walker[/u][i] - Alive [/i] - [u]Younger Sister: Rosie Walker[/u][i] - Alive [/i] [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b]Relationships:[/b] [Character name] | [Impression (Good/Bad/Neutral]] | [Relationship (Friend, Rival, Crush, etc)] | [Character's thoughts [EX: I think Bob is quite the amiable fellow, has a great head on his shoulders, but is kinda daft]] | TBA IN THE RP [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b][b]Other[/b] 5 [b]Power:[/b] [url=]Shattering[/url] is the term for making objects explode or shatter at will. In essence, all she needs to do is point at said object and it'll instantly explode or shatter, without the heat or the smoke. The object can be of any hardness, shape, or size. [b]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks:[/b] - Cannot be used on a living being - Only works to a middle-distance, cannot be used for anything incredibly far away/has to be within eyesight - Cannot completely destroy an object, only break it into fragments - Cannot control the direction of the fragments. - Cannot break magical/enchanted objects. - The harder it is to break, the more energy needed. - Object cannot be completely shattered if it's twice as tall as Jackalyn. - Cannot shatter soft objects. [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] Jackalyn is called "The Jackal" because she snaps at people who aren't her family, and also because she's a very fast runner. Jackalyn's a hydrophobic, and can't swim.[/hider] Also, I've been reading through the IC posts to pass the time - Lynn and Jackalyn might get on well!