[b]COCO BEAN[/b] Coco was pleased at the turn of events. She had half expected to be treated more rudely, and it was nice to not be treated as an inferior being at first glance. Though the strange looking being had to leave, the half-snake human and the armored person were still near her. When the half-snake spoke, she nodded vigorously and pointed at her Speech Artifact, which was hanging around her neck as a necklace. Then the armored creature spoke, telling the half-snake exactly what she was and what was wrong with her speech. How did this man know such things? Not many even knew what her species was called. Hell, nearly no one even knew how they moved. But this one was well versed. She liked it. "Rune Mast- BZZT - yes!" She said, her leaves quivering in excitement as she clapped her hands lightly- partly because she was in a good mood, and partly because she would see so much better with the added sounds.