Kreia quietly made her way to the council room, head bowed down and drawing little attention to herself. She hated attention. Being in the spotlight. It probably wasn't helping either that her saber skills were so great, and that people were learning more and more about her history. She didn't know herself, of course, though it didn't help that she'd find the odd stare or murmur from her fellow Padawan or so... Respect was another thing she wasn't so find of, and was, to put it bluntly, quite terrible at giving and receiving it. The other Jedi held the Council Members in such high regard, yet she didn't see what all the fuss was about. They were experienced with the force and a blade, nothing more. In her mind, they hadn't the right to be council, though never spoke up in public about her own thoughts. Only around her master, Vahn, who would often times try to console her and remind her that they weren't just excellent bladesman and Force users... Still, she needed to do her best to be respectful when in front of the Council. If that was what Master Vahn wished, then she would listen. She pressed the buzzer on the door to the Council Room, awaiting entry...