[quote=Hellis] Nothing of what you said I did correlate to the description of the word Passive agressive that you provided. I am actively critizing and commenting. -http://www.examiner.com/article/gamergate-revealed-as-misogynist-and-racist-movement-from-4chanNot really suprised, that a 4chan driven movements have elements of racism and misogony in it. What I find interesting is the fact that there are no proof what so ever about Quinn sleeping with the kotaku guy for reviews becouse he never did reviews of her games. Or proper proof for kotaku being the terrible liars that Magnum has been calling them out on. No, a angry ex does not the same as definite proof. Especially since it got redacted. [/quote] Sorry, Hellis, you are REALLY wrong here, quite a few things have surfaced and Zoe Quinn isn't even relevant anymore (Despite everything she does to prove that she is.) . I'm on a tablet and am struggling to copy paste YouTube URLs that I can't even fucking see, so I cannot link you the video I want you to see.(YouTube URLs open the YouTube App.) Anyway, google "Indie-fensible bigger fish to fry" I dislike then opening he used, and he's getting a lot of shit for it (and rigly so) but it literally shows you couldn't be more wrong. :)