Morrison couldn't say he disagreed with Shannon or Jack, who he greeted silently, on one of the school's most disliked resident, though he manages to tolerate the bully to some extent being himself. He still disliked Jean but they were at a standstill of sorts which had gone on for several years now, Morrison wasn't willing to fight him and Jean didn't want to have hellish nights or exhaustion filled mornings so it kept them away from one another. Despite this it was hard not to laugh when the bully got taken down a peg or two especially when he knew it was coming. But he had been hearing about Jean being much more aggressive lately which was not something he liked hearing with all of the newer students around who the man could mess with. "Suppose I'll be here if things go wrong and knowing Jean they will." The Cajun said sounding more tired with the large Frenchie than usual. "Try not to enrage him like last time Shannon, the janitors had a lot of cleaning to do after that." Morrison was expecting the worst from a prank on Jean and his concerns were usually warranted, especially considering who he was with, but if it happened he was often willing to get in the way which left it up to the Frenchie if it was worth the effort or consequences of going through him. Either way he was enough of a nuisance and a threat to keep things from escalating all of the time. One big thing he was not determined to rely on was putting Jean out with his newer power simply because it could cause more problems than it solved in the first place. Really it all came down to Shannon and Jack with whatever decision the two of them decided to make but Morrison would be on standby once again to stop a brawl in the cafeteria.