Alianor made a slight face at the mention of wolf meat, though she tried to hide it. Best not to offend him to much. He was the leader of the bandits, after all, and she'd rather stay alive for now. But the thought of eating wolf just made her feel slightly sick. [b]"Well that all sounds... lovely."[/b] She kept her voice steady while trying not to look disgusted. The berries, mushrooms and vegetables didn't sound too bad but she doubted they even considered washing them... Who knew what nasty thing came with food like that from a forest. All in all it didn't sound like a very appetising affair. The smell of the meat, though, as she followed him outside didn't smell too bad. She wasn't sure what it was though and as a result was rather suspicious. Something could smell lovely and taste horrible. And if it was something like a wolf she doubted she could stomach it even if it did smell delicious. Her blue eyes gradually narrowed throughout Ronan's speech and she tried to contain her... no, it definitely wasn't anger. She wouldn't lower herself to that. Annoyance at what he was saying and how untrue it was. [b]"Not all of us marry for political gain,"[/b] she snapped, looking like she was close to just giving into her anger and shouting at him, or even trying to attack him. Of course she wouldn't do that. She would try to stay calm, reasonable, allow cold anger to seep through her words. But what he said was lies. Sure some did, but not all. Her marriage had not been for politics. Yes, it had benefited her father, but the marriage had not been arranged. Her husband had asked her to marry him before he got her father's permission. [b]"You speak of something you have no knowledge on. And even so, who are you to judge who has humanity or not. Please do tell me how is paying someone to slaughter an animal worse than killing another man? Or stealing? Because I am failing to see the similarities."[/b] She smiled slightly, a cold, obviously fake smile. [b]"Well I have to say I am glad that we are on the same page in that matter. The feeling is mutual, as your people and actions make me sick." There was a frown on Alianor's face as she carefully sat beside Ronan, brushing her skirts beneath her as she did so. She took one look at the other bandits around the fire, struggling to not show how disturbed she was. She was glad that none of them paid attention to her, apart from a few looks here and there, as there was no way she wanted to interact with any of them. She doubted that they were educated. That was one point in their leaders favour. She cautiously took the meat, looking at it suspiciously. [b]"Oh."[/b] As it dawned upon her what this actually was Alianor paled, looking positively sick. No way was she eating this. She couldn't be expected to. She would rather starve. [b]"I think I will be fine, thank you, I am not hungry at the moment. I am sure you're men will appreciate it more."[/b] She stared down at the meat for a few more moments before shuddering. No, that was not coming anywhere near her lips. Frowning, she glanced at Ronan. [b]"How long do you plan to keep me here?"[/b]