Hmm. It seems this particular hotdog man had a flair for hotdogs. Every bite she took was filled with the well done, moist but still chewy sausages, the buns were still springy and fresh, not stale and crumbly, and the vegetables tasted as if they were almost alive. In short this was either the best hotdogs she had ever eaten, or she was very hungry. They say hunger was the best sauce after all. She had gone through her fifth and starting on her sixth when she noticed the hotdog man was gone. Not that she thought it was weird; the old man might have just left her there in peace to eat the dogs, and she did have her headphones on. The crew swore she could sit oblivious though the Apocalypse and the four Horsemen prancing around her if she put her headphones on. The song switched to a [url=]Kansas[/url] song then, and she finally realized there were just a few people left around, including someone wearing an odd assembly of clothes. Was it that late already? Old man hotdog must have went home then. Perhaps she should as well. A girl alone at night will sure to attract some unwanted attention. Without any further ado, Clarissa gulped down the hotdog in a few bites, licked off the bits of sauce off her fingers, then started to walk back towards the hotel. If she wasn't mistaken she could flag down a taxi a bit further down the road. She just hoped she had enough to go back on a taxi. Ah well, if worse came to worse, she'd shake down the head for some money for the taxi fare.