[u]Poppy Flanaga[/u] The disbelief was spelled clear across Poppy's face, however it quickly disappeared. Considering the giant lizard for a teacher she was willing to accept anything. Theresa's kind of power was along the lines of something that she hadn't considered could be a power. Now she was wondering what else she'd see on her first day of school. "Oh, okay." She couldn't think of much else to say. "Have not tried what?" Poppy said innocently. What exactly Theresa was talking about she didn't know, but she had some guesses. It was better that she played it off like she did though. The shaking of her fork received some giggles, at least that much was funny. "Thanks  for the heads up..." Nervousness seeped into Poppy's voice. Half from the prospect of being altered by Theresa's power, half in case she asked about her own ability. [i]Last time father came to visit I blacked out and the next thing I know there's sirens and uniformed people took me away and kept referring to me as meta-human. What that amounts to is "I hurt Daddy so they sent me here..."[/i] One eyed bitch had shown her just how sheltered she was. [i]I really hope they can help me here, everyone else seems to know what they can do.[/i] [u]Vespera Spindel[/u] Vespera wait for some time before deciding on where she should settle down. Observing the group dynamics none of the groups would begin her day right. [i]I didn't see that coming. Whatever could cause Chrisypoo to waste juice like that.[/i] At first she was simply entertained, then intrigued. [i]So he can absorb liquids.[/i] She had seen Matt around, but never got acquainted. What she did know is he was cocky. When Chris left she decided to make her move. See what the handicapped tinman were about while she was at it. Might as well start with the one she was least familiar with, so she took up a seat across from Peter leaving a comfortable amount of space between her and the others. He also happen to be the most interesting, at least visually. As not to get off being perceived as rude she acknowledged Amanda as soon as their was a gap in the conversation with Red's departure. "Good morning Amanda, and it's nice to meet the two of you. My name's Vespera." She looked at Matt then Peter. "I feel static in the air, how peculiar." While she was very curious she didn't want to start off prying information out of him, there was also the chance it wasn't him.