[b]"Well it is nice to know I currently don't have to fear for my life,"[/b] Alianor replied with a slightly arched eyebrow. That was a relief. Although she didn't like the idea of him keeping her around... The last thing she wanted was a prolonged stay in this place. Well, she would just have to make sure he got bored of her soon enough. Though she had a feeling that by just talking she was providing some form of entertainment. She didn't like this one bit. She felt so out of control, and she rarely felt out of control. [b]"And I'm sure it will be my father."[/b] Though her voice was mostly confident there was some uncertainty now obvious. Although it wasn't like anyone else would want to pay money for a ransom. If her husband had been a live... If he had been. But he wasn't, so she couldn't be certain. It depended on how my her father valued her, really. They had never been to close. After all, she was only a girl. [b]"I'm impressed,"[/b] her gaze sharply moved to Gort, head slightly tilted as she appraised him. It was obvious that she was quite shocked to hear something like that coming from the mouth of someone who seemed so... uneducated. He wasn't exactly appealing to look at and, to tell the truth, was rather terrifying. Certainly not some who she had expected to know a line such as that. It was something that she only vaguely recognised, didn't really know, which was slightly embarrassing. This Gort fellow, though, seemed interesting. Maybe all the bandits weren't so bad. Although they were still all murderers and thieves, but at least some were educated murderers and thieves. She was quite taken back by what Gort apologising. Well, that was unexpected. [b]"Thank you, I guess, Gort."[/b] She dipped her head, truly lost for words. Certainly not a normal thin when it came to her. She frowned, staring into the fire and ignoring what was going on around her. She guessed she really was stuck in this situation. She didn't like it, not one bit, but maybe she could learn something useful. Like... no, she couldn't think of anything she could learn from this group of bandits. Wait, that was it! If she learned their ways when she eventually got out she would be able to aid whoever decided to come and capture or execute this bunch. Whatever happened when it was discovered they were in this forest. Yes, that was what she could do. Her thoughts soon drifted as she gradually began to drift into a half asleep state where she sat, drooping forward slightly. Her thoughts surrounded her family, her father, older brother and two younger brothers, and the one she never managed to have with her husband. It moved through a lot of memories from the past few years, lingering on only a few before moving on. It zoned in on the moment of her husband's death, the terrible sickness that had left him bedridden for months before taking him. She woke with a start, a quiet gasp escaping her lips. She was momentarily confused about where she was, glancing about and stifling a yawn. She was sure she couldn't have been asleep for too long, though the stars where beginning to rise. [b]"Is it possible to retire for the night? I do not know about you, but I have had a very tiring day."[/b] Her glare was accusatory but mostly ineffective considering her rather exhausted state.