Now we all know the drill the Empire is in charge and we need to remove the corrupt and evil powers ib charge. For this Vader & the Emperor will have Force Unleashed / Dark Empire-esque powers so walking up to them and trying to lay smackdown WILL result in character death. So you have to team up and be smart about it. Now the twist is this, well I'll let you watch this to get an idea. [url=""]Empire Rules the Earth.[/url] For anyone that is unsure, you got that right, arpund 1990AD the Galactic Empire picked up our transmission and to cut a long story short become our rulers, overthrowing the world Governments. The bright side is that poverty etc is gone, but the EVil Overlords can be somewhat heavy handed at times. The Chinese, and Korea, took it very badly and the Empire made an example and pretty much wiped the capital cities clean off the map. As in the city is molten glass, some of it hot even to this day. Your task, well you take on the character from acros the multiverse to help remove the Empire, now for the bad news. They obviously have a foothold on the entire galaxy. Universe: Name: Age: Species: Powers: Bio: Picture: Either a proper piccy or decent art. (No claptrap where people have eyes that are too big or no noses - and yes I am totally serious about this). Power Level: For this I think keeping it at X-Men level, Marvel Movies.