Alianor, surprisingly, took the hand Ronan offered her and followed him into the cave. The warmth inside was welcome, she had began to get quite cold in what she was wearing (something definitely not made for colder evenings). And she was completely exhausted, really needing some more sleep. At the moment she wasn't too bothered about where she was sleeping or the fact she would be sleeping in the same place as a bandit leader. She didn't really care. If he'd wanted to kill her or do anything else... well he'd had plenty of chances to do so. It wasn't like she had any way to defend herself. She didn't have much power in this situation anyway, but she might as well try to get a good nights sleep. She couldn't help but glance at Ronan's bare torso, quickly noticing the markings upon it. Of course it was the brand over his heart that caught her attention the most. She stared for a few moments, before glancing away and biting her lip. She recognised that mark... but she wasn't sure where it was from. Her memory was failing her in this respect. It would come to her, she was sure. But it was curious. Why would this bandit leader have a brand she recognised? [b]"I doubt I could ruin that,"[/b] she sighed, just sounding tired as she managed to just about catch the pillows he threw at her. To the rest she just nodded, concentrating on trying to organise the pillows into something that would be vaguely comfortable to sleep on. Not what she was used to, but then again nothing was. She did catch the fact that Gort was a magic user. Curious. She'd have to remember that. Yawning again she curled up with the pillows she'd been given, eyes closing. Even exhausted as she was it took her a long while to sleep. Her thoughts kept on straying, and one moment she would be close to sleep when something important would come across her mind that she would have to consider. Even so eventually she drifted off into a deep, and thankfully dreamless, sleep. - - - - - - It was late in the morning when Alianor woke, glancing about her surroundings blearily. Sitting up, she stretched with a slight groan. Everything hurt, her legs and back especially, undoubtedly from the trek over here the day before. Now that she was was fully awake and no longer exhausted she felt absolutely horrible. Her dress was in a terrible state and her long, dark hair even worse. Running her fingers through it didn't help at all, apart from getting out a few of the knots. She doubted anyone had a comb around here. She must look quite the picture, not exactly what a noble lady should be like. Even so, standing up she once again held herself with pride and arrogance though there was quite a deep scowl on her face. She was far from happy, sore all over, dirty and really quite hungry. Just the way she wanted to start her day. Deciding that she might as well see if there was any edible food around she headed over to the door, hoping it wasn't locked as she pushed it open.